,Rertfoni alleagedagain17perfeuerance,anfwere/ 741. ofÏefus Chrift, againfl which the gatesofhell canneuer pre- uaile. But they further confirme the former propofitiortby this reafon: Hee that Both an a& of infidelitie, lofeth the habite of faith : Hee that hath an habite of faith may doe an a& ofin- fidelitie : Thereforehe that dóth an a& of infidelitie lofeth the ha- bite offaith. I denie the propofition: for as we fay,one (wallowmaketh no fummer;one or two particular aas cannot deílroy the ha bit, howfocucr they interrupt it for the time. One cruell aft doth not defiroy thehabit ofclemency and mercie,one fond a doth not ouerthrow anhabit ofwifdom,neither doth one a6of intemperancic extinguifh the habit of temperance becaufe the habit dothnot .depend vlion thea6, hut the-aáá on the habite. The fecond reafonis thus concluded : Many baptifed in their infancie,when they come to age. .Seao2a finnegrieuouflie, and foare damned : All baptifed in their infancie arepredeflinated vnto life, and by baptifmereceiuefaith andare iufiified: Therefore manypredeflinatedvntalife, iuf1"rficd, andin- dued with faith, do finne grieuouflie and are damned I anfwere, that the affumption is manifeflly falle ; for as ourSauiour faith, many arecalled, but fewchofen ; that is, many thereare whoare outwardly called to be mebers ofthe Church, entred thereinto by baptifine, made partakers out= wardlyoftheword and facraments, but fewof thefe belong either to Godseteruall cleai on or are effectually called and: chofen to be membersoftheChurch inuifible. Neither doth the outward recciuing ofthe Sacraments exopereoperaro,by the deede done, conferregrace,asthe Papifts falfcly affirme, but onely to the true beleeuer, who not only receiueth the outward fignes, but aifo the things thereby fignified by a huely andiuflifying faith. Thethirdreafon is thus concluded ::: 4Sec70.- b b 3 If, 1