Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Redfbnsalleageditgabiftperfeucrance , anfwered. 743 that if thefe future euents had no other groundbut or owne willorpower, they would certainly bee vncertaine: but feting their certaintie is grounded vpon the infal- lible promifes, immutable loue and omnipotent power of God, we may as wellbe affuredofthem, as ofany thingpre- lent. And howfoeuer weare often afläultedwith doubting, and cannot aífuredly determine ofour perfeuerance, when . welooke vpon our owne weakeneffe and frailtie, yet this followethnot that our grace,faith,andiufíification are not true, if wee doe notnouriíh this doubting, butlabour and ílriue againfl it, and renew our affiarance of faith bymedi -- tatingvpon the infinite truth, power and goodiiefhe ofGod, and the mediation and interceffion ofIefus Chrift. Lafflie, it is obie&led,that ifwe cannot fall from the grace ofGod, thenGod cannot bee angriewith vs for ourhnnes; for anger and loue will not fl together: but the latter is falle, and therefore the formeifo. Ianfwere,that the confequent ofthe propofitioii is falfe; sea. for lone is not oppofed to anger but to hatred. The Lord in- 4 deed is angriewith the hones ofhis faithful, and inhisanger correaeth them; but thiscorre&lion is not fomuch a puniíh- ment ofthe finne pafl,as a preventionofßnne to come. He is angrie with themas a louing father is angrie with his fon, not in hatred but inloue not to hurt or forfake them, butt that byhis 41f1 conceived difplealurehe may reflraine them from falling into the like finnes, and fo flu retaine them as worthie to be beloued. And thus haue I prooued the certaintie ofour perfeue- 4.Sea,6n rance, and alto anfwered fuch obie6lions as arecommoiilie fúggefled by Satan, and flifly vrged by his wicked inflru- ments thePopifhrabble againfl this truth. And fobyGods gracious of iflance Ihaue finifhed this treatife containing the chicle controuerhes betweene Satan and the true Chriflian. The which with all other my labours I commend to Gods bleffing,whobeing the foie fountains ofal true comfort and confolation onely is able by the afàílance ofhisholy fpirit,to make them effe&luall to the aduancingof thofe ends, for whichI haue intended them: desiring the ChriflianReader- who i