Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Ofthepreparation o f rye Gofpello f peace: 55. Pellofpeace,vnleffewe bealvvaies prepared tomake confef- -eon andprofeffion therof, though therbywe incurreworld- - ly fhame, lou es, affli&ions-andperfecution. And this the A- poflle fignifieth, by telling vs that our feete mull bee fhod What it ista with the preparation oftheGofpell ofpeace; thatis,as thofe be pr whoare welifhod are in readines to goe thorow rough and Gojpcü. vnpleafant waies fo thofethat are induedwith the know- ledge of the Gofpell, muff alwaiesbe ìn readines to make profeffionthereof inthe middefi .ofafili6tion and perfecu- tion. Foras with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteorifnes, fo,xo: with the mouth he mug confrffe vnto f luation, And this is that_which the Apoile Peter requireth ofvs, x.P-st... ;a 5 'r.Epifl.3.I S. That we doe not onlyfan&lifie the our 'hearts, but alfothat we be readie al,i-aies to gum, ananf.ere to eueryman that askethvs a rearmofthehope tbat ¡Sinvs. But.ifwe layafide this armour,weThal beas vnfit to trauet in zhe-affii&ed way which leadeth to Gods kingdome, as thofe fouldierswhoarebarcfoote bevnfit to march thorow waieswhich are full ofbriars andthornes-; neitherfhall we be readie to makeconfeifion and profeffion of our faith in the time ofperfecution and trouble,but rather to flidebacke intoa generali apoilafie from all religion,vnleffe webe con- firmed andcomfortedwith the fweetepromifes ofthe Gof -pell, made w thole who fuffcr afilition for Chriíls fake, namely,that ifweconfeffe himbefore men, he willconfeffevs 6e- Matth. re;;s; fore hisfather in heauen,,. That whofeuerfhalllofe Maik.8. 31. his lifefor Chrisfalland the Gopels,!hallfaueit,Mark.8.3 5 That whofoeuerfhall forfa%e howls, orbrethren,orlifterr, orfit- Matth.i9.: Cheror mother, or wifeandchildren, or landsfor 1215 names fake, Jhall reee eanhundredfold more, and Jha11 inherit easerlafting 1:fe, Matth.19.29. CHAP. XIII. Ofthefhield offaith. Tilfourth peece of the Chri lian armour which theA- pofile exhorteth vs aboueall toput on, is the fhield of faith,whichofall other parts is moll necef4ric,becatífe how E 4 vveake