__.. Ofthe helmet ofSalnation. 57 doth theApoffle vfe this improper fpeech, Peeing the fhield clothnot quench, but repell the darts that beateupon it? I anfwere, partly to Phewthe nature of our enemies tempta- tions, namely, that they are firie, mortalll, raging,and perni- cious(as before I faid)_andpartly to Pet foorth a double ver- tue offaith , for firft therebywee repel! and beatebacke his temptations, and fo refiFt him fedfafly in the faith, as the A- i.Per.5.9 poftlefpeaketh,t.Pet.5.9.And fecondly,ifSatans darts haue pearced and woundedvs,faith altodothcoole the 1-Combing heate of finne, byapplying vntovs the pretious baulme of Chrifis blood, fo that our wounds are not mortall vnto vs, thoughmortali in themfelues, iftheywere not curedby this foueraigne falue offinne,whichbeingappliedby faith,doth cafe theburning torments ofour euill confciences, andpre- feruethvs from all danger ofdeath. The firs} of thefevertues is fignified hereby,in that he calleth faith-a fhield,which ri- pellethSatans temptations,as the fhield doth thedarts that arecalf againl} it:the fecond by the word(quenching)name- ly, that as water quencheth the fire, fo faith quencheth the firie darts of Satans temptations,as is aforefaid. Laf}ly, wee are to note that hee calleth Satan the wicked WhySatan one, to ihew vntovs that hee is the father and author ofall failed o et wickedneffe and finne,both by finning himfelfe,and prouo- kingothers to finnebyhis temptations, And therefore he is called thewicked or euiïl one bothhereand Matth.6.1 3.Btrt Matth.6.73.- deliuervsfrom theettillone. So Matth.13.3 8. The tares are the and 13'38' children ofthe' icked one,as alto Ioh.8.q.q lohn 8.44., .,,.---.-.r---.---. -.---e------ CHAP: XIIII. Ofthe helmet ofSalvation. He lift peece ()four Chriflianarmour is the hel- met offaluatiän, which is fo calledby ameto- nymie of the effe61, becaufeit bringeth falua- tion to them that weare it,for we are faued by xém áß. hope,as it is R0111.8.24.\\ hichwe are tovndet- r Tl,ef.g, 'land by the helmet of faluation, as appeareth z .Thcfl.5.8à where