% 'OfPrayer. 71 pride,towhichwee are too too fubie&l;as wee may fee in the exampleof Paul, who being buffeted by the meffenger of Satan, befought the Lord thrice that hee might depart from him:but the Lord anfwered,that his grace whichhebeflow- ed onhiinwas fufficient,andthathispowerwas made mani- fefl inÿApóflles iveakrtes,as appeareth2.Cor.12.8,9. Now a.Cor.i:o11,9ä the caufewhy the Lord would not altogether releafe hitn, was,that he mightbe hunibledhereby,the prickeofthefle h lettingout the windé ofvaine glory,which wouldhaue puf- fed him vp , by reafon of the multitude .of reuelations which hee had receiued. Let vs not therefore fendfor the Lords aflìflance (alit were)bypofle ; andprefcribc theLord a timewith theBethulians,wherein ifwebe not relieued we will faint and cowardlyyeeld for that which theProphet fpeaketh from the Lordconcerning thevifion, may fitlybee spokenofthe Lords aide and helpe; 7-honghit tarie,tbatch; forit'hallfurely comeandnotftay,Habac.2.3. The lafl thing required in our.prayers,is,that wee doe not f.Sec`$.;6. onelypray for our felues, but alfofor all the Saints. For wee Prayer to be h are fellow membersofthe fame bodie,wee are fellow foul- teSaints. diers which fight vnder the fameCaptaine Iefus Chrifl, and confequently their viáoric is our vidlorie, and their foiles are our folks. As therefore fouldicrs do not only flandvpon their feuerall guards,but ioyne their forces together, where- by it commethtopaffe,thatthey whobeing f atteredmight eafilybee ouercome, hauingvnitcd their forces are vnrefifl- able; fowee arenot onely to 1+andvpon our ownedefence, butto ioyne inprayer with the whole Churchmilitant, and then íhal1 not our fpirituall enemies fland againfl vs : forif theprayer ofone righteous man auaileth much, being fer- lames f. 16. uent andeffeauall, ofwhat efficacieandpower are thepray- ers ofall the righteous ioyned together? And thus haue Idefcribed the Chriflian:armour, whiche- Naarmour ap- ueryman is to put onbeforehee enter into the combat with pointedfar the our fpirituall enemies : amongfi all which there is not any backe. appointed for thebacke,tonote vntovs that wee muff Heuer retire,but manfullyEland to it euen in thefaceofour enenne. Forifwee refit} Satan, he will flee fromvs, Iam.47. Tam.4.7 F 4 . but