Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

The dengeroufhe, ofworldlyprofperitie. 4 t effcó}s of' thefe two efiates in the fame men. And leaning worldlings to the world,who feeth not that thofe who make profeflionofrcli: ion,are exceedinglycooled in their zeale, and corrupted in their liues and conuerfation, through the profperitie ofthe world?and that not only counterfeit Chri- flians, but eren fuch as in their meaner and more poore el}ate, would rather haue fuffered any perfecution,euen to the taking away of their hues, then they would difgrace their profeffon by offering any fcandall, or bee drawne to flacken theirpace in thewayofgodlineffe,are by degrees fo carried awaywith the inticing baites ofprofperi tie,that fir(} they abate of their heate, and afterwards become luke- warme, or keycold in their religiousprofeffionand praó}ife? And howfoeuer they retaine fill the name of Chrif}ians, lef} they fhould bee branded with that dreadfullbadgeof apofia(ie,yetcotne to the touchfloneof their hues, and to their carriageand demeanour in their particular places and callings,and you (hall findemanyofthem,as worldly,coue- tous,and niggardly incontributing to religious and chari- tablevfes,yea asproudand vaine in apparel), as deceitful) in theirdealings,and riotous in needleffe and idle expenfes, as profeffed- worldlings. So that whereas aduerfitiecould not foile them withhis fharpef} incounters, whenbee purpofely bent all his forces again(} them; profperitie hath fubdued them, and made them captives to the world,as it were in play,takingno great painesto obtaine theconquef}. Now the reafons.why wee are fo ealily foiled and ouer-§30.9. come by worldly profperitie ,are,becaufeit cloth foften and lhereaîens effeminateour mindes,fo as they can indure no labour, nor mby¡rojperitie futlaine the leaf} force and violence :for as the lute firing isio dangerotu. being formed inwater fwellethmuch in bignes, but lofeth all his flrength;foour hearts being moifined and mollified with thefe waters ofprofperitie,exceedingly (well inpride, but in the meane time lofe all their frength and Chriflian fortitude,foastheycannot indure the leaf+ incounter ofan enemie. Or elfe it is becaufe it maketh vs retchleffe and fecure,foas we fearing no aflàult neuer muf}cr vp our for- ces,that we mayhaue them ina readiutffe, and fo being ta- ken