Reafonsmoving vi tocontemnworldlyprofperitie. 45 glorie ofhis kingdome, or allurethvs vnto fnne; there are many arguments which may perfwade vs. As firfi, becaufe profperitie doth very feldome better our fpirituall elute, and further our faluation, but almofl alwaies maketh vs worfe,morc prone vnto finne,and further off fromGod and godlineffe.For as theMoone being in the full,is furthefi di- Rant from the Sunne, from whom fhe receiueth her light andbrightnes ; fowhenwe are in the full ofprofperitie, we are furrhefi off fromGod the author and fountaine of all our good.But of this I hauealreadie fpoken. Secondly,let vs know that themeane eflate ismuch to be SeIf.2 . preferred beforethegreatefiprofperitie and abundant plen The meane e- tic ofthefeearthly things,not only for the reafons aboue al- (late is to be leaged,but alfo becaufeit ismoll fafeand free fromdanger, preferred infine as not being fo low to be trode vpon, nor fohigh as tobeegreat profperity. alwaies feared inthe eyeofenuie;not fo weak as to lieopen toall oppreflion,nor fomightie as tobe made the marke of confpiraciesand fecret treafons : for as the low fhrubs are made the prayofthe beaflsto bronze vpon,and the ordina- rie fuellof the fire, and the highefi trees are moll fubie6l to lightning and thunder, andexpofed aboue all others to the violence of euery tempefi ; whereas the trees of middle growth are free fromboth thefe dangers : fo thofe who are in the lowefl efiateof pouertie, are often oppreffed with wrong and iniurie,thofe whoare placed in the high top of worldly profperitie,are made more obnoxious to the rage offuperiour powers; being either had in ieloufe for their greatnes,as afviring too fal ,as though they would overtop them, or thought inrefpeâtoftheir abundance a fit bootie lob rz.$. to feaze vpon. And only the meane efiate is mofi free from thefeextreame perils beingbelow enuie,& aboue cótempt. And this the very heathen man could difcerneby the light ofnature : his (faith he) theproDertieofagreat minde,to con-Magni animi et? temnegreat things,andtodefirefirfciencieandmediocritie, ra_ magna eontem- ther then abundanceandfuperfuttie ; forthole are profitable, criamaUe q á and risenvitall,butthefe at much as they aboundanaouerflow, nimia,dac.Se- burt. So too much ranknes maketh the corne to he and rot,fa ncc.epift.39. boughsare broken with toomuch bearing,and too much fuir- frtlnes,