5'o 2eafont mattingvt tocontemeeworldly profJeritse. orldlinosfor thefe good things in them, ordone by them, temporal!blefiings andhcnehts,wherewith being rewarded to the fall, and fame above their deferts, they can expe& no more,feeing theyhaue no part inCha las merits.Againe,be- caufe there is none fo good and holy, but theyare blotted and gained with infirmities acrd imperfe &ions:therefore the Lord being infinit in iullice, doth notonly punifh thefe fins in hisowne deare Sonne, but doth alto chaftife and corre& his faithful! feruants themfelues, that theymaybeexamples ofhis righteous iudgements, andteach wicked worldlings what they are to expe& for their trayterous rebellion, and outragious linnes, when as Godsfaithfull feruants anddeare children, are fo fharpelyafi&ed for their flips and fmaller Ierem.z5.29. faults, whichhaue been alreadie fully punifhed in their Saui- our.0 that this were but well conldered, and then would worldlings have littlecaufe to bepuffed vp withpride, be. caufe they exceed others in worldlypompe and profperitie: then wouldall (who arenotextreamely fecure) when they aregreatly aduanced in their worldlyeflate, carefully take heed that their fpirituall effacebenot asmuch impaired, and feare Id} this temporal profperitie beal the portion that euer they fhall receiue : then would not thofe who wantthefe earthly benefitsimmoderatlydefirethem, and fovie vnlaw- full meanes to attaine vnto them, but would reft contented with their final! pittance and 'boaallowance, hopefullyex- pe&ing'to receiue their portion in the life roconie: then would not chofe that haue them, fet their hearts vpon them, but would willingly part with them togood vfes,that in ex- change they might haue the affurance of Gods loue, and their ownefaluacion, more certainlyconfirmed vnto them. And hauing this bate and brafen money of worldly abun- dance come to their hand,they wouldnot hoord and ftillre- Caine it in their poffeßïon, but part with it vpon the next good occafion, left death comming thevalue thereoffhould 4S0.5. be cried downe, and fobecome to beofnoworth. Proffieritieabu- Laftly, let vs confider thatworldlyprofperitie immode- fedincreafeth rate] loued, or otherwife abufed, not only depriueth vs of their condom- our ly in our heauenlyinheritance butaltoprocureth a xatio>< who portion y P ba/e it. portion