56 What is requiredtofattingvenuesandgoodworker: worfhipoftheonly trueGod, performed in vptightneffeof hart,with a good chfcience,without which euen thofe aéli- ons ofGods feruice whichhimfelfe hath cómanded, are odi_ ous& lothfome vnto him:fo when the Ifraelitesofferedout- ward duties and failed in thefe, the Lord faithvnto them by Efayr.tz.t3. his Prophet, who required this atyour hands to treade in my 54. courts ?bringme no moe oblations in vaine ; incenfe isanabomi- nationvnto me : l cannotfuferyour newmoons, norSabbaths, nor felemne dales (it is iniquitse) nor folemneaffemlelies: my flutehatethyournewmoons, andyourappointed feui-ls, theyare ahurthen vistame, lamwearie toBeare them. And in another Efay 66.3. place he faith, that he that Fulledabullocke was as he thatflewa man, 4e thatfacrificeda jheepe,as ofhecot ofadogs necke; hee that offeredan oblation, as ifheoferedfries blood, he that re- men bred incenfe, as ifhe bleffedan idol!, &c. Notbecaufe thefe things were not good in theinfeiues, for God had enioyned thé, but becaufe they werenot ioyncd with Gods true wor- fhip,but done with wicked and hypocritical! hearts, and in a cuflomable and formall-manner, without any loue,faith or sine taltu vent feareofGod.To this purpofeAmbrofe faith, that without the Dei edam qua wor/hip ofthe true God, that isfnne lbhichfeemethto bevertue; turtepetta- reeishercan any manpleafeGod,, without God: andbe that plea tum eft nee f thnot God, whom pleaferh he but himfelfe andthe diuell? So placerevi/us that there is no true vertue out ofthe Church, where the on- Dee fioeVeo ly true God isworlhipped after a true manner. Men, &tc. More efpecially there is required that there vertuesand Gent good duties, doe proceed from Tome chicle fundamental' car. Gcnt.lib, g P r.cáp.r. verrues;asfirli fromtruegodlineflè, for pietieand honellie §.SeíI.4. mull be joined togethcr,and where the one is wanting,there Our venues the other is hypocriticall,and counterfeit: neither is it polfi- mun begym- ble that there Ihould beany found iuf}icey honefiie or loue did on terse Ihewed towards men,vnleffe it proceed from religious du- Piltasiei-i fun tiefirl' performedvntoGod .Hereofitis that pietieiscalled dawentumom- the foundationavenue, becaufe whatfoeuer vertue is not nisvirtutú.. built vpon ir, like a houlewithout a foundation, it isfirbieóì: Ambrof. de of- to ruine, when thofe weake props ofworldly refpeóis are &c.lia .cap.27. pulled away. As forexample, he that is vcrtuous becaufe he is vnder gouernmeur, will ceafe to be vertaouswhen heis let 1 e.....