8o That worldly ibifdome andpolicie is tykecontemned. riling againe and recouering flrength, hee might reuenge himfelfe for thefewrongs received. 4.Se3.ir. Finally, tomake vpaperfe&wickedne%,unto thereeuill Worldly meanes they adioyne as euill ends ; neuerrefpc&ing in any dome propaso- of their proceedings the glorie of God, the good of his dethwickea Church, or the faluation of their owne foules ; but rather, ends. ioyningwithSatan in all their courfes, they feekehow they may moil dif aonorGod, vex andafili&his childrenand fer- uants, and ingage their owne foules toeternail deflru&ion, byadding onewickedneffe to another; or to take them at thebefi,the chiefe workes which they aimeat,are either ho. norsand preferments,which theyafpire vntoby treadingo- thera vnder foot; or riches,theMammon of iniquitie,which they feeke toconrpaffe andobtaine by fraudand deceit, in- iuflice andviolence, oppreflion and crueltie : orvoluptuous pleafureswhich are wicked and vnlawfull, the which they often procure and raife out of the gricfe of their poorer neighbours, delighting themfelues with their hurts; and making way to their fuperfluous pleafures, by wringing from them tholeneceffries which f+hould maintaine their hues ; like that wicked eílchabwho muff haueNaboths in- heritance tomake himagarden. 4.Sea.la. And this is that wickedworldlywifdome,whiçhhathbin That worldly fomuch in vfeamong carnal men from thebeginning ofthe w;fdome bath world : thus Caine (poke peaceablie to his brother,whenhis binaiwayes em- meaning was to murther him : Pharaohdealethpolitikely in braced and muchefEemed fuppreffingGods Church: SaulofferethtoDaudhisdau h ' in the world. ter in mariage,whenhis purpofe was tomake it the occafron Genef.4.8. ofhis death, andmaketh alliance to ferue asafnare to catch Exod.r.ro. him :16.4 embraceth andkilleth, and lud<ukiffeth andbe- r.Sam.r8.zr. trayeth; and if we looke to leremies tirnes,you fhall heare Ierem.9.3.4.. him complaining, that thepolititians of that age didbend their tongues like theirborbesforlees; that theyhad no catnap for the truthvpon theearth, but proceededfrom euill to worfe, sotknowing the Lord: and thereforehecounfeiletheuery one to take heedofhis neighbour, and cot to trail any brother, be- caafeetserybrother vfeddeceit, andemeryfrienddealt deceitful- ly. So one of theAncients defcribing the worldly policie which