Ofworldly learning. yr temneand hate it,as beingan enemieto God andour owne that which is faluation.For what will it aduantage vs to be admiredfor it diaineand#i- in the world, and to bedefpifed in the fight ofGod? to haue rituali. it commend vs,. andGodand our owne confciences to cott- demnevs? tobe aduanced by it to thecounfel ofPrinces,and to haueGodscounfailes and the myfleries of' our faluation hid andconcealed from vs ?Finally, what willit auaile vs, if by itwe (bould be exalted to the greaten officesofflate,and higheflplaces in the kingdome, ifwe be excluded thereby from hauing fo much as the lowefl placein the kingdomeof heauen? What will it profit vs to gaine with our policies worldly vanities, and thofe temporarie trifles ofhonors, ri- ches and carthlypleafures, of which we hauenot one dayes affurance, and to lofe thereby thofe eternal] ioyes and vn- fpeakable plcafures, which areat Gods right hand for euer- more? Leauing therefore thiscarnal! wifedome, tocarnal( worldlings; let vs labour to be wife vnto God, and feeke thofethings in the firtl place which tend to his glorie, and the faluation ofour owne foules: and let vs vfe all good meanestofurnifh our hearts and minds with all fan&ifying and fauinggraces, and efpecially with that fpirituall wife- dome,wherebywe ander(land his will reuea(ed in hisword, and endeavourto conformeour feluesvnto it in all holy,obe- dience,both inourhearts and affe&ions,and in our hues and conuerfatious; and fo will the Lord approue, loue and fa- uaur vs inthis life, and crownevs with eueriafling ioy and happineffe in the life tocome. CHAP. X, That worldly learningfeueredfiom truesodlinéf fe, is to becontanned. Nd thus haue I (hewed that nserme ciuill4 Sel1r. verrues, and particularly the wìfedomeofmat leaeuiNf worldlings may and ought to be concern- in itownen..- ned and defpifed ofChriflians, asbeing not t"re.iS S gio d onely voyd ofany worth and exceilencce, dable. which might inflame their loue ; but alto fofull offonne and corruption,.