Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

92 Ofworldly learning. corruption, and Co hurtfull and pernicious to tholewho let their hearts onthcm,that they iuftly delerue to be hated and reie6ted.Now it followeth,that according to myorder pro- pounded, I adde Ionic thing of the gifts and ornamentsof the mind, namely, the giftsofhumane learning, and offci- ence andknowledge, which the world abufeth as occafions and grounds ofdangerous tentations. And firft I will fpeake briefly of humane learning; confiting principally in the knowledge, memorie and skilfullvieofarts and languages; the which is in it owne naturegood, as beingan excellent gift ofGod, whereby the mind ofman isadorned, and his naturall gifts and faculties much improued, polifhedand perfedled; fo asit is aquellion difputable, whether nature, orthis art and learning are ofgreater vie and efficacie, for the direéting and perfedling offuch humane affaires, as are ofgreateflexcellencie. Byit the harfhnesand roughneffeof nature ismollified andmitigated,barbarifine banifhed, ci- uilitie preferued and increafed, all thingswhich tendto the well-being andbettering ofhumanefocietie perfeéted, and in aword, hereby the rough fallow grounds of our hearts are as it were ploughed vp, and fitted and prepared to re- ceiue the feeds ofdiuine knowledgc.In it ownestaturether- fore, humane learning is not only good but very excellent, and isnot contemnedand hatedby any, but thofe who are rude and ignorant, yea it ought in this fenfe to be efleemed and foughtafter as a pearleofprice,which ismuch to be pre- ferredbefore all the treafures and honors of the world; as being a fingular ornament ofthe mind, whichmien in the iudgement ofGods Spirit maketh hisfaithfull feruants more praife-worthie; for thus the holy Ghofi commendeth Mo- Aßs7.2:, fes for his excellent learning,faying,that hewad learned inall the wifdome of the e.Egyptians, among whom learning in Afts18.24. thofedales chiefelyflourifhed; and a.9pollos,whom he alto 4.Seíi.2. prBuettfweconfiderofthisl arninglastisinvs,thenisitto That tepidly i 2t- beefleemed among thingsindifferent, the whichaccording methcnib onto as theyare vied by the partie that hath them,are eithergood vs, when it is when theyare well vied, or euiUwhen thcyare.abufed, and aboled. the