Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

94 `I, ctfonamowing to the contempt of*aridly learning. felfe with a cotnpetentportion of this fpiritual food oflear- ning andknowledge; the which being exceeded, caufeth a furfet,which cafleth the mincie into diuers and dangerous difeafes which are hardly cured. Andanother demandeth,if he be to be reproued, which gathereth needleffe fuperflui- ties, and in his houle fetteth out to the Phew an outward pompe ofprecious things,andhe to be excufed which is too much occupied,in gathering fuperfluous abundance oflear- ning&humane knowledge ?Yea(faithhe)todelire to know Plus fare velle more then enough, is to be reprehended, as being a kindof quartz fitfatto, intemperance.Laffly,this learning is abuled when we ouer- ost a `er nta value and efleeme it,as whenwee place therein our chicle eoose1.,8s. happineffe,or preferre it before the knowledge ofGod and his true religion, or the rat ofhis fantiifying and fauin. graces, aduancing the handmaidcs aboue their milirtffe, and elleeming the confufed languages of Babel,aboue that excellent language ofthe fpirituall Canaan. 4.Seai.3. In which refpetfs when learning is abufed,it degenera- That worldly tech from his owne narure,and becommeth unto vs cuill, tearningir to In worldly and wicked, and is therefore of all Gods feruants contemnedafrs tobe contemned and defpifed,loathed andabhorred.Now notproofs vr, that wee may contemne thisworldly and wicked !earning, which is fo much admired among carnal] men who haue attained vnto it,let vs confider,firfi,that it bringeth with it no true profit; and then,that it is the caufe of much hurt. That this learning ofcarnal! worldlings proficeth them not, it mayappeare by indut&ion ofparticulars.For what doth it auaile them tobe good Logicians,when as they are neither skilful! in finding out what the good and perfeti will of God is,nor able to fudge betweene that which is good and euill,nor to confute the fübtill fophiflrie and dangerous pa- ralogifinesofour f irituall enemie the diuell, whereby out offalfepremifes lie frameth againf} their foules moil dam- nable conclufion.s? What doth it profit them to becgood Rhetoricians in perfwading ofochers vnto what they lifl,by letting a faire glofle vpon a falfe caufe, ifthey haue not found eloquence enough,toperfwade and aflure themfelnes oftheir owne faluation? What Both it helpe them to bec good