It a Beautiefetteredfrom true vertue,is tobe contemned. tic ofthe skinne doth moli exalt vs,we fhould be fufiìcient. ly humbled, ifwe would but confider thevgly loathfomncs ofthat which it containeth. But though thisbeatific were offome excelleucie whileft eeautie is mo- it continueth, yet is it tobee efleemedoflittleworth,in re- mentanieand Bard that it is fo momentanie and fo mutable. Inrefpc& mutable. whereofthe Wifeman faith that it is notonly vaine,but de- Ancrp3 ceitfull alfo,giuing men the flipwhen they thinke that they bonum morta!- hold it fafieti,likea fhadow thatvanifhethwhilefi one thin- bur es ;unm keth toembrace it : for if man himfelfe be fo momentanie, durum, b eui what (hall we thinkeof beautie which is butan accident of ¡emponrmo- thisfubieói and commonl vanifheth thefubfiancefull ce- mr.eze. mainin ?ifhebebutaflowerofthe field which isbuaofa tur,,tc, g , Senee. inHip. dayor weekes continuance; then how fraile and fading is polyto.1.760. the celour of this flower which often fadethagreat'while, ofthisGnall time, beforethe flowerdieth? Ifinanbee but a cloude, then furcly beautie,maybee fitly refembledto the bright lightningwhich ifT'ueth out ofir,andvanifheth in the twiucklingofan eye. 'Whereofit is that the kingdome of Socrates vera- beautie is Paid tobea tyrannie,which is violent for thetime, bat cimemporitbutoffhortcontinuance. T at o this purpofeone faith, tyrannidon. the hearbe f)iringingwithhis beautiful/flowers, doth delightthe i;rufon.lib.z. eye,andby littleand littlefading lofeth his beautie,and ra turned. 0p.44. intohay ; fo allthe beatiticofinen buddeth in theBringofchild Hiceos.Epifl. hood,flowreth andflorifheth in thefummerafyouth, andperleIP ad Cyprian. age,andfuddenlywhen the winter ofage commeth, theheadvn- Tom.3. Et repentè damwittingly groweth gray, thefaceVorinkled, the Airiest wrehlea, ne/cit,ince- andfofarreishe no*frombeautie,that heebathTrarre the vfe netts/ twat,ru. ofhislimmesforthefloweftandweakefi motion. But asitis trio. gam. foots, tn mencan ,fo allo is it utable,and vncertain to continue this mot' f}torttime ; for this flowerofbeautie is fubieéi tobe blafied with innumerable accidents,a little fcratch impaireth it,and a greater wound cloth quitedeforme it;adales ficknesmuch abateth it, and if it bee butofa weekes continuance, Both quitedeface ir, yea fo fading it is that a little funfhine rob- beth vs of it, this earthly beautie being not able toendure that heauenly brightneffe. Or though it be preferued from the violenceof extraordinarie accidents,yet time,which by little .,...,.,m-.,..-..