To the Chriftian Reader. dfitoalleage the fayingsofthegodly learned, andancient Fathers,who haue listed in former ages, to Phew the confor- mitie of our iudgements,andour vnanimotts corfentin ex- pounding chafeplaces ofholyfcriptures, which Jerriefor the clearing andproouing of tholepoints,for which 1a/teage them ; lefl perhaps mine owne writings and affértions mightfeeme to haue proceeded out of orre melancholicke or difcontentedhumor,whích might make me to contemne the world,becau%it bathalwaies contemnedme, and fo carrie no credit withthem, ifI were not backed with,their better autboritie. wind to thefame purpofe, 1 haue alfo more plentifully then is myvfuall cuflome, alleagedthefayings of thewifefl Heathens,andmo.Fl learnedPhilofophers; beaufe hawing to dealewith carnal! worldling!, who notw-ithilan- dingmakefhcwandprofeßionofChriflian religion,lmight mooueandperfivadethem, ifnot in the feareofGod, and for confciencefake, yetat leafiforfhame toagent unto that truth, vetowhich Pagans and Infidels haue yeelded and fùb/cribed,whohaue hadnoother knowledge togu :de them, but the light ofnature. The which my labours, I humbly fubrnit to thegraue cenfure ofthe judicious, learned, and godlyReader: the which I hope to findmore favourable; becaufe my erreurs may more iuflly be excufed, Peeing I doe not trauell in a path beatenby others, who hauegone before me,but in anvncouthandvimfusil way, where 1 haue not had the trail ofother mens fleps for my direi ?ion; there being none that 1knowof,,efecially ofourcountrimen, that hauepurpofely labouredin this argument. The Lordbleffe thefe andall other my lab jars, that they may beeporverfUll andeffelluall, for the aduancement o/hisglorie,thegood of hnChurchi,andthe comfort and edificationofall theparti- cular members thereof, who fhali haue any vfe ofmyPoore minierie;;