Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

;ti Ofthevanitieandvnlatvfitlnefeofpainting; and only yeeldeth a placeor roomewhereinthe foule may flewforthhis excellencies :let vs not dote vpon this bodily beauty,but fet our hearts and aífeétions on the inwardbeau.. tyofthe foule, labouring more andmore to adorne it with vertue andGods fanótifyinggraces,which will not fade and perifh, that foaltowe may attaincveto the fruition ofthat eternal) beautie andgoodneffe, which willbringwith itful- neffeofioy andhappineffe,thac[gall endureforevermore. CHAP. XIIII. Ofrhe vanityandlbickednefeofpainting thefree. ¿.Set/. T Nd thus haue I [hewedthat worldlybeauty is That the dittell to be contemnedof Chriftians, and therea- wee the inuen- Ions whichmay induce them to defpife it: I ter ofthis art of 1 y P painting.,;" will addefomethingofthc counterfeitthere. of, paintingand colouringofthe face, com- monlyvfedbyvainewomen, that hereby theymayget the praifeofbeautyby their art, which nature hathdeniedvnto them. The which is not like the other, euill onelyin regard ofabufe, but vtterly vnlawfull, wickedand abominablein it ownenaeure,and in the generali prabèife thereof, as offen- dingnot onlyagainit the lawofGod, but alfo the light of nature; feeing they who haue not a dram ofgrace, nora fparke of true knowledge, doe brand it with the note of ignominieand reproach wherefoeuer it is difcouered; yea cuen chofe who pra&ife it doe condemne it intheir owne conferences, andwouldbe much afhamed (if long cufleme bath not made them impudent) to be taken with the fa& But that all Chriffiansmay be moucd to dctell and abhorre this wickedprattife; let themconfider that God is not the author ofthis beauty,but the diucll himfelfe, whobringeth ",onfit4t the worksofGod intodifgrace, notonly by counterfeiting them, but by labouring toexcel! them. With this accordeth Deusfeet, ¡fd 7 } g qua dtabetus the iudge;nent ofthat godly Father, and blcffedmartyr Cy- infecit. Cypri- prian,whothinketh thatwhen the wicked angels (profefling an. develan. . uetolewdewomenthattheymightdefiroythem)abufcd Virgin-lib, their