Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

134 Ofthevanitie andvnlawfulneffe ofpainting, and fimilitude, and dare anyprefsime to change andalter that which Godloathmade? Infodoing, they offer violence to God, when as they grime to reforme, and tranfforme that whichhee loathformed;for thatwhich isborne,is theworkofGod,and that which to changed, the works of the diteell. Ifa skilful!painter, hawing cunninglie limb'd the pant-attire of amans Jodie, and feeinganother take upon him to mend hisworkemanfhip, would bemoeued toanger,and rhinke himfelfemuch inured; doefl than thinketogeevnpunifhedforthy rafhbofdneffe,inprefiiming toa. mendthe 1oorkeofGod? §.3ey They offendalfoagainfl men, by deceiuingand abufing Thatthefepaitt them,making them to admirea painted piélure, in ficadof tersdeceiue the workeof Cod; and iò notable is this coufenage, that andabafe in the Latinphrafe, they are Paid to colour or painr,whoby others. their words or aólions dcceiueanother, and tovfe no pain- Fircrfm tingorcolourin whodealeingenuouflie trul andinfim- id a#, decipere. á g> , y, rlbfqueface, plicitie. But much more doe they finne againfi them, whi- ideft,candidò left by there diuellifh arts counterfeiting beautie, they in- & °peTel. flame the heartsofthofe,who behold them,with filthie and vnlawfulllufts;the whichwas (as I take it the chiefe cattle why Satan inuented it, and wicked women praElife it. And hence it is,that onecalleth this painting, and counter- feit beautie,thefire ofyourh,the fuel' oflufl,ana thefignewhich fheweth where an vnchafl heart daelleth, 4,Se11.4,, But mofl ofal do they,whovfe this art,wrong themfelues, That they mof and finne againfl their owne bodies and foules: for if they . ()fall offenda- offer great iniurie to their friends,whowhen they come in- (tuftr t being to companie, areafhamed ofthem;thenmuch more do they afhsmed of thus offend,who are afhamed ofthcmfelues? and therefore theirowne beingdifpleafedwith their owne colour and countenance, perlon like players,theycome difguifed in the fimilitude ()father perfons, and for want ofa better, theya6I their part in the habit ofanharlot. Nowwhat is this but vnnaturally to de- nie thetfelues, and to thrufl (as it were) another into their owneplace? what is it but to make themfelues counterfeit idols, that voto them lull may offerthe facrificesofvnclean- neffe ? what is it,but toexpofe themfelues to the Iconic and laughter of thofe,who having feene their gloriousbeautie which