Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

I g6 Ofthe vat.itieand vnlavfulnefe ofpainting, Thrythat vjeit.Pionofreligion,whilefl profeffing themfelues themembers fdandertheir ofChrif},they behaue themfelues like the limmes ofSatan. prhgionsof For what a fhame is this,that there fhouldbee no difference. B betweene a Chriftian, and aPagan, a matrone and altrum- pet,the fpoufeofChrift, and a fiithie harlot, betweene one thatprofeffeth her fel£e,bought with theprecious blood of Chrift, and another, that isfold ouer to workewickednes, and isbranded with ÿmarke ofimpiety toacknowledge the fale? but that both alike fhould vfe the fame light habit and attire, and the fame diuellifh arts to commend them- felucs by a falfe beautie? The belt beautie ofa Chriftian woman is modcftie and fhamefaftneffe,and their heft orna_ r.Cer.ç.8 mentis fimplicitie, and humility; but how farre are they from fimplicitie and truth,wholie and differnble,euenwhen they fay nothing,fpeaking in a reali language falfhood and difìimulation,euen with their verycountenance,taasmany as Tookevpon them? vnleffe they thinke that onely verbali vntruth is forbidden, ,and aF,tuall falfhood permitted; or that it is a greater fault to diffemble in fpeeches,then to de- ceaue in deeds and aótions. And how farre are they from this Chriftian humilitie,who rather then theywill not Phew their pride, vaunt themfelues ofa counterfeitbeautie, and for want ofbetter matter,grow high in their ovine conéeit, becaufe they haue this talk fhadow oftrue beautie, which indeed is it Idle but a fhadow, inrefpeól ofany fubftantiall good ? How farre are they from that grauedecencie,which r.Pcr.3.t.z. theApoftlerequireth inChriftian matrons, Peeing theycan- notcontent themfelues with gold,pretiousiewels,and broi- dred haire, vnleffe they allo adorne their heads with the fpoilesofthedead, and grace themfelues with a graceleffe and whorithbeautie ? Butlet fuchknow, that theydeccaue themfelues with a title ofChriflianity,fecing they denie the truth thereofin theirliues; and thathowfoeuer theyadorne themfelues with the profcffion of Chriflians, yet (as one ` faith) they can newer pat on the true garment Chrialefas: cult:,vhgi- neither will the oyle of his fanetifying graces, and thefe num.lib.. beautifying waters, and minerals Ault euer mix toge- ther.: But