That bodily health is not much to be eFlvented. CHAP. XVI. That bodily health is bat ofjmall worth andexcellencir. Nd thus much chcerning bodily .The Sec7.r. like alto may bee laidofhealth, wHchinitHahhinitfc /fe own nature is thegoodbiding ofGod, and u a great Urf- anotable helpe tochofe that vie it well, for fins, butmuch the betterperformance ofall good duties: in abated through which ref ec. theSon of S rack faith, That aurtwruptian. p Y healthand¡irength are aboaegold, dr a wholebodyaboue infinit r6. treajure,there tee no riches abouta foundbody, &noioy aboue the ioyoftheheart. Yeain truth there is fcarce any earthly bief- fing to bee compared with it, Peeing it much leffens all our forrowes and atllielions, and fweetncth all ocher comforts and worldlybenefits, which being feuered from it, become tedious&loathfome.Howbeit thisbleffìngofGod through our corruption iscontinually fubie61 togreat abufe, as when we ef+eeme it aboueGods fpirituall graces,and the health of our foules, anddo Pet our hearts fo upon it, as that we will not f+icke tovfe wicked and vnlawfull meanes, to preterite it whilef+wehaue it, or recouer it whenwe want it; orfinally, when thereby we are not furthered in the feruice ofGod, and in all good and Chriflian duties. For howfocuerwhilef+ wehaue it, we are with all thankfulneffe to eflceme it,as be. ingagreat bleffingofGod; and when we want it,todefire it moderately, and tovfe all good meanes for the recouery of it : yet when it commethincomparifon ofGods fandtifying I.Setix L. gifts, or the fpirituall healthof the foule, which isa ccompa- Thathealth is nied witheternal'. life, it is tobe contemned and defpifed, as bat common being light, vain, and,ofnovalue. impartedalfa to Towhich purpofe let vsconfider, that howfoeuer health the wicked. begood, yet it is buta commongood, which the Lord MI- Sanita;emtor. parteth to the wicked, as well as to the Badly : and therefore posit wepates (as one faith) we are netto el eemebodil health agreatgood, magnnnrb:abet Y . g ef/e,quodbabet which teena icedmen aljoenioy : andoftentimes ina far Brea- . malus. A c_ ter mcafure then Gods dearefi feruants , for as the Pfalmifi guff. scrm.t a. obferued, t43