Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

z 44 That bodily health tonet much to beelteemed. Pfal.73.4. ,7 obferued, Thewickedare¡allie andfirong, thep arenot in trou- ble as other men, neither areplagued with other men, :heireyes fland out with faenes, and they hauemore thenheOrt can milk, Yea it is communicated unto the bruit beafts,many ofwhich enioy it longer, and in a much more perfeét and excellent AuçuR.Serm. manner thenman cloth.To whichpurpofe one faith, why do in feRo pa(chq. ye !bonder becatefetheft men inioyhealth, *ben as ye heare the de Alleluia. Pfalmiflfaying, OLord thou maktil whole, orconferuell men,c.1533 . andbetas ? that menmight not 'axe proud becaufe they haue Pfalm.36.6. temporallbealih, theheal/sare iaynedwith them: why therefore doehtthou reioyce O man becaufeofhealth,feeing thebenefit it common to thee with thine of fe,&c,and therefore reit not in this, but ratherfeekg to obtain theJJeciallbenefits which are promi- fedto thefanner ofmen: for towhat purpofe (erne reafon and the excellentwit ofman, if he attains vnto nothing better then that which is common to himwith thebears? §.Sea.3 Againe, howworthleffe and void ofexcellencie this bo- Thai boday dily health is, it may appeare, firlt, in that it is momentanie health isno- and vuceraine; for euen whenit is at theheight, eueryxrifc- mentionand ling accidentdoth ouerthrow i ,toomuchheat,or too much vntcrtato& cold, want ofnourifhmentora littleexceffe, ouermuch la- bour or toomuch cafe,befides a thoufnd fecret and inward caufes, ouerturne health andmakeway for fickneffe and dif- 6regor.Moral..cafes.In which refpeét one faith, thatthis which wee vfuatly 1ib.8. callhealthofthebodie, is in truthfcl(nefe; feeing eafe pip is fuftcientto bringit ontoaconfumption, andlabor alfoBathcaul it tofaile: beingfßent withfalling, it isrefrelhed withmeat,that it may continue, andbeing tiredandwalledwith ouermuch ea- ting, it ú relieuedwithabit ineuce, thatit maygrow fironger:the bodieis walledwithwater, thatitmaynot beouer drie,and then wiped withclothes,that it maynot be toomuch moifinedandfoft- ned; it is refrefhedwith labour,that it may not grow f luggilhwith safe; andcherifhedwith retl,that itmaynot linksvoider the bur- thenoflabaur; it is *cartedwithwatching, andrepairedwith fleepe,andbeing opprefedwith toomuchfleepe, thisfinggilhnef isfhalZenofweeh watchfulneffe, left itAmidbelitent andwearied more withrest then with it labour.ltiscoeeered withclothes,thai itmaynot feels the inissries of the weather, and fainting with otter-