Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That thecompanie ofwicked?borldlings is tohe atuoided. t 47 (hall we find themboth in any great meafure in the fame man; vnleffe the corruptions which vfually attend upon health,be purged away with fome other bitterpotionofaf- fliaion. To which purpofe one faith, that God forefeeing uofdampre- thatfome wouldfallthrough the abufe oftheirhealthintonne,lt'ensdeus pee- care polie, infa- doth correEí themfor their profitwithweakeneffe ofbodie, that 1tem flagillat they may not offend; andmahethit more profitable veto them to cosinficmitate he brokenwithgriefee totheir faluation,then to remain in health corporis nepee- to their condemnation. For that health isperniciouswhich lea-cent. deth to difebedience, euen as that /ickneffe ¿e wholefome,w(sich by Bt in- Gods correitton, doth breakandhumble the hardnes ofthehart. cap .46. Finally, nothing more then this bodily health doth naile mens hearts to the earth, or make them more in louewith theworld,and worldlyvanities, nothingmorecaufeth men togive themfeluesouer to voluptuous pleafures;fromwhich weakeneffe and infirmityweaneth them;which being inter- tained,like vnthankful guef}s, thruft out ofthe domes their hofi that gaue them theirbefi wcicome;for as nothing more eafilie moueth vs to admit and imbrace thefe voluptuous pleafures of the flefh, then bodily health, fonothingmore impaires, andbanifheth health then they,when they are en- tertained. And therefore feeing this bodily healththrough ourabufe,doth more oftenhurt, then helpe vs in our fpiritu- all eflate ; and doth much more weaken the foule, then lrengthen the body; let vs not toomuch dote on it whilefc we haue it,normuch bewaileour loffe,when it is taken from vs; but feeing it is fo fubie6t to abufe, let vskeeps a fpeciall watch ouer our felueswhilefu we inioy it,thatwe mayfo vfe it,thatGodwho gaue it,may bee more glorifiedandbetter ferued,&we who haue it,maybe helped forward in all good duties,and grow more &more in grace, and in the affurance ofourfaluation.For othervvife it wil rather be acurievntovs Admonendi then ablefíing, which wee were much betterprofitably to funtincolumes want,then fohurtfully to inioy. e/lnd (as one faith) let vs vtfalurem cos- beingin healthbeadmonifhed, that wefo vfe thisbodily health, antttad falotem as thatit mayfurther the f iritualhealthofourfootles, left per- mentis,&c. uerting thebenefit ofour health to theprallif oflbickedneffe,we Gregor. pafto- bemade tzorfe6y Godsgift;andfo receiuemaregrieuouspunifh- ral.par.3. L 2 menti caps;.