chat thecompanyofwic%ed tborldlings Jrt , eauoided. 149 line only tbith thole who are innocent. And the Apofìle tel- leth vs, that ifwewill not at all comeinto thecompanie offorni- r.Cor.s. t... catorr ofthis world, or with the couctatu, orwith extortioner:, or with idelaters,we mull then/cane the worldalfo. And ther- fore we muff not follow the foolifh dotage ofPopifh Her- mits and Anchorifls,who make it ahigh degreeoftheir per.. feOlion tohue alone, and CO fequefier themielueskern al fo. cietie ofmen ; for as the Heathen man could fay,he that wil Arif .de rep, content himfelfewith himfelfe, and leaue the companie of lib, all others, had need to be either a God, whom nonecan mend,or a fauagebear, who hatethhumanefellowfhip,and will not come ncere them, vnleffe it be to deftroyorhurt them. It is lawful] then in fome cafes tokeepecompanie with gset7.3, wicked worldlings. As for example, when humane focie- in what caferit tic,andcommonciuili tiedoth requireit; neither is itpofli islawfullto bic to liuein acommon wealth,vnleffe we tsbferuethe rules come in compa- ofciuilitie, and performe mutual! duties ofcitizens, and ewitb wicked neighbours one to another, whether they be profellours of religion,or but meere worldlings. Forwithout this,noton. lyall trading, buying, felling, and fuch other commerce, 'wherewith the Commonwealth is maintained andprefer- ued,d.ecaieth, and quite ceafeth ; but euen duties required neceffarily to the .preferuing oflife, andofourbeing in the world,fhouldalfobe neglected. As then euery manought in the time of common plague, to preferuehishealth, by keepinghitnfelfe ftomcomming amongft infe6ted perfons; and et.infomecafes, his comming neere them is notonelie lawfYull,butaltoneceffarie,as toquench a fire,to'helpeawo- man in herlabourand childbirth, and tominiftervntothem fuchneceffaries, as may preferue their hues ; fais itlawful! in thefe, and fuch like cafes to come into the company of chofewhoare fpiritually infedled with the plague offinne. Butthecompany ofwicked men is to be auoided,in-refpeát ofneere fricndfhipandfamiliar conuerfation,, whenas wee take delight to frequent their company, as kwere, ofour ownechoice,neitherciuill conuerfation,nor humanenecaG fiticvrgingvs thereunto To this purpofe one faith, that L 3 üba