$5o Thattiroconspatrieofirieked lôorldlingsistobeauoided, Me:lsrumeon- weoag&Nike theeompenic. afmickZedman, rnrefpeEl ofprivate (brtia fugere fellowl94atoll not inrefpetl ofpublzke communion ; and that ra- d bemres,gaoad therwirhourbeartsandaffeltions,rbenwithourbodresaxdout- prtaatancott- w rd allions. And this isthat familiar ac uaintance which /uetudinem,non q quoadpuhlicam good lehofaphar had with Ahab, eihaziah, and there!i of conaer/ationem: that famille, for which hee is fooften taxed and cenfured in cordenon cor- the bookeofCod: pore. Ambrot, But as it is lawfull for all men in force cafes, tocome into Offic,Lb.r.c.ro- t.Chro.ts.r., thecompanie ofwickedworldlings, fo for fome men efpe- and:o.35.37, cially more frequently, namely fuch as hauinga calling of 4.Seel.4. God hereunto, are furnifhed alto with fuch a meafure of Thatit a lawfu! grace, knowledge, and fant`lification, that they may iuffly to companywith conceiuemore hope ofconuerting them vnto Cod, then wmie c¢meädymcëentabcrt there isfeare that the other fhould peruert andcorru t them sdrnrvntóGed: with fin; ifwithall in finceritie &vprightnes of heart they propound veto themfelues thisas their chicle &maine end, ¬ worldly& finifier refpe&s.For as it is lawfull,yea lau- dable,for thePhyfitians ofthebodic, to frequent the com- panic ofthem who are ficke ofrnfeelious and contagious difeafes, that they may cure and recocer them, efpecially when asthey doe nor goearmed onclywith their.defpèrate boldnes,batvfe goodprefcruatiues and wholefntne meanes, topreuent and repel! the infeólion ; fo alto it is lawfull for the fpirituall Phyfitians ofthe feule, tocorn into the com- panic ofthofewho are lickof the leprofie offinne, and the plague ofa,fcandalous life, if they vfè the good meanes of nteditation,prayer,and fuchotherwh olefome preferuatives, wherebytheytnay be kept found from the taintureof this fpirituall infeóiion. And for this we haueourSauiour Chrifi himfelfe for ourprefident, who being the Phyfitianofour foules, frequented the companie of publicans and (inners, who had mollneedc ofhis helpe. For howfoeuer it is !Mt fo fit for vsyas'it was forhim,to come into fuchcompanie be- cattlehe wasfreefrom finne,alad from the taintureofal coca ruption,and thereforeneeded no preferuatíues,but what he had himfelfe;and allobecaufe through the puriticof his mimehe was:able purely,andwithout anyworldlines and wick ,to-pmpound thofedads ofdoitigothers,good, and