152 That the companieofmic/edworldling' to be auoided. them, at our owne private profit and aduantage, or at the fatisfying ofour owne voluptuous pleafure,aswhen we de- light in their fharpnes ofwIt,merrie conceits, and in their pleating conuerfation ; which oftentimes arebates toallure vs to enter into, and infhare our felues in the nets ofperdi- tion : for with this (weenies is mixed the poyfon ofworld- ly prophanenes ,ribauldrie,blafphemie,and fuel: like wicked difcourfes,all which being in their companiewe mull needs heare,(vnleffewe will flop ourcares) and hearing muff of coueamuzae neceffitie either be corrupted oroffended. Inwhich regard aStmüm tole- one admonifheth vs to take carefull heed, leg whilefl byfuch mus,folaamus companieeve defire to recreate our mindes,we doenot loft allhar. omnem harmo- movieand concord ofgood worl¿es, becauje cutome oftentimes neaoe,gaaft CM'.cloth inclinenature. ceourn endru. In all which cafes and refpe6"ls, the companie ofworld- Ambrotoffic. lings is a notable tentation to draw vs vnto finne,and to 11ba.cap.2a. hinder vs in thecourfe of venue and godlineflè, and there- 4.Sec7.6. fore is moll carefully of all Chriflians tobeefhunnedand That die compa- .auoided. To.which purpofelet vs confider, firfl, that this fo. nyo/themickrd cietiewith the wicked is often forbidden, and condemned is forbiddiand in the word ofGod. So the Wifeman efpecially charged: condemned, P 0. vs not tokeepe companie with drunkards, orevithgluttons ; and IOLL.$3 generally, neitherto beenviousagainfl evitimen,nor to de/ire Prou.z4.1,. to beintheir companie, hecauj their hearts imaginedetrufion, and their lips /ßeakemifehiefe. And thus the Lord comman- Exod.34.5 6, deth the Ifraelites to haue no manner offocietie or friend- Deut.7.3.4. chip with the wicked natious,lefl bytheir example andpro- uocationthey ll;ould be mouedvnto idolacrie and fin. And the ApofilePaulwilleth vs in the nameof the Lord, to come a.Cor.6.17. outfrom amongnickedmen,tofeparate our feluesfromthem,and Lcuit.7.r9. totouchnovncleanethin(; for ifthe touching ofa thing vn- cleane ceremonially defileda man, howmuch more the fa- miliar acquaintance ofthofc,who are defiled with finne? But with greater care and circumfpc&ïon are 've charged to auoid thecompanyofthofe whomaking-profeffi6n ofChri- flian religion, doe difgrace the fame with theirwickedand vngodly lines and conuerfations, becaufe of all other their focietie is mot}dangerous, their fumes being more lcanda- lous,