Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That t thecompany ofwscked wsrldlingt is tobeastoided. Y 5 3 lous, and theirexample more forcible to allurevsvnto finne. Ifany (faithhe) that zrcalledabrorher,beafornicator orcome, i.Cor.ç.rr. tow, oran idolater,orarailer, oradrunkard, or an extortioner, withfach anone eat not. And thus he commandeth the Thef- falonians, in thenameofourLord fefneChrill,that they Jhould t.Thdf.3.6. withdrawthemfeluesfrom everybrotherthat walketh inordinat- ly, andnotafter theinitrutlion which hehadreceived from him. And thus thevoice from heauen criethvnto - all the feruants ofGod, to come out ofthe fjiirituall Babylon, that they benet Apoc.18.4. partakers inherfinnet, and that they receive not ofherplagues. Andas the Lord bath forbidden this föcietywith the wic- 4.Sec7.7. lied; fo alfohaneahe Saints carefullyauoided it. Thus Da- That Gods nidprofeffeth,that he hadnot hauntedwith vainperfens, nei_ saintshallo therkept companywith thediJfemblers;yea that hehated theaf- taref'llyfh.n_ femblieofthe euill,andhad notcompaniedwith thewicked: and nioJtbewicá when throughhis grievous perfecutionshe wasforced whe- tea ther hewould or no tohaue thiswicked fellowfhip,he grie- Pfal.z6.4.5. uouflycomplaineth hereof, crying,out ; Woe ieme that Ire- 1'fäim:r mine in Mefheeh, andd -ellin thetents ofKedar. Whole ex- ampleletvslearne to imitate, approving our felues to bee true Ifraelites by our abhorring all fellowfhip with thefe filthie (wine,who take delight to wallowthemfelues in the loathfomepuddle offinne andwick edneffe. And tothisend let vsfurther confider, thatthereought, to be nocommuni- on or fellowfhip betweene the. faithfull and aideworldly infidels : for astheApofile faith, what fellowfhip bath. righte- z.Cor.6.t4.1 5. oufneffewith vnrighteoufneffe?andwhat communion bath light withdarkneife? andwhat concordbath Chrilfwith 73elial? or what part bath the beleeuerwiththe- infidell? With which ac- eordeth the Paying ofthe Sonneof Syrach, eil/l flefh (faith Eccla3.r6.r7e he) will refort to their like, and emery man willkeepe company ?mth Inch as be is himfèlfe: hew can rise WoPt agreewith the Lambe?no more can the vngodlyw,th the righteoua.And to the fame purpofe another demandeth, What (faith he) kalf thou Ambroi ad to dos *lbworldly men, or nhat commerce canit thou hale Virgin.deuot. withthem? towhatpurpofedoeFl thoudefire toknow with them lib.cap.a. thtway ofperibtion,which theyfollow t If thou feekeilfor cha- f itte, they h.<ue it not ; i f for faith, who is.faithfnll among them, whom