Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That thecompanyofa:ic4edworldling! id to beauoided, 15 5 vvhen we feeketo breake from them. So that it is a thing of great difficultie to continue doing wtll,atnongfl thofe who are euill; or notto bee hindred in our courfe oIgodlincffe, when as wicked companions doe as it were hang on our neckes, and with all their powerand policie labour to flay vs. And this that wife Heathen oblerued in his ovine experi- ence : Iconfeffe(faith he) mine orneweakkenrffe: Ireuerbrino Senec.epift.7. borne theft mannerswhich Icarted abroac; butfomethingwhit% Ihadwell compofed it dtflurbed andput out of order; reme of thele vices winch¡hadput toflight,againe retorne:and as it he faieth them that hauebeen vexed witha long fcbnefe, who re- maineflillfoweaie, that they cannot without fome danger come abroad into the open aire; the fame happeneth veto vs, whofe mindsarefomewhat recoueredout ofthe tedious fic%neffe of vice andftnne: theco euerfationofthe wickedmultitudeis agreat ene- mie vntovs, emery one being readte to commendveto vs, or to thruftvpon vsfame vice, or at leati to taintand infellvs there- With at vnawares, &c. So that 1 armies retornehome either more couetous, ambitious or voloptuous,yeamore cruell and in- humane,becaufel haue been amoni /I men. As therefore it is hardto dwell with acolliar and not be fmutted, to haueour conuerlationamongf theeues,and not,one time or other,to be robbedofour rich treafures : fo and much more difficult it is tokeep familiar company with wicked worldlings, and not to be collowed with their corruptions; to lineamongli thcfefpirituall theeues, andnot to be (polledofthe riches of Gods grace : inwhich refped1 they are fo much more hurt- ful! and penicious vnto vs, then theeues and robbers; as much as the foule exceedeth the bodie, and Gods fpirituall 4bar " 9efor- graces and heauenly ioyes which they fleale from vs, exceed visor retpett me in worth, earthly gold and momentanie treafures,ofwhich ,reearaf lyto timewill rob vs, though theeues (pare vs. punm.-cked And therefore Peeing it is a thingof fo great danger, to sompanY. haue our conuerfation among wicked worldlings, left wee rtiendumcfY - flhould be tainted with their corruptions, let vs be exceeding,,,gaibus warie andcareful! in making choiceofour company :and as ¿dasaut one faith, let vs be nomore res eliuewhatwecareanddrink`e, goam qu;drdat then arnonglt whom we eat and drtnkç : for as vn`holefome dr bi bas. Se- meats `rcc,epíß.s9,