x 56 That thecompany ofwickedworldlings is tobeauorded, meates and drinkes may poifon the bodie, fo vngodly company pylon the foule, vnlcffe wee bee prefcrued with fome foucraigne autidots minillredvntovsbyGods word and holy Spirit : and feeing this is a tlrong,temp- tation to draw vs voto coil', let not vs who daily pray that wee may not bee led into tentations, wittingly and willingly runne into them. Neither let vs,;vnlefl'e Freehaue a calling hereunto, and bee furnifhed and prepared with agreat meafure of grace and flrength, prefìrme vpon our owne abilities, and flatter our felues witha conceit, that we can by keeping them company draw them to vertue and goodneffe,and in the meane time receiue no hurt, Seeing it is much more likely,-vnleffe weebe very skilful! Phyíirians0 that they fhould infeEtvs, then that we fhould cure them : zerumnatura For(as one faith)this is theordinariecoterfe ofhumaneaffaires, fie eft vtquasics that when thegoodandetillareioyned-toether, themill man is bassomalo con- not madebetterby thegood, batthegood rather corrupted by nongitur,non es bonomuter me- thecud. And this was fignified.by the. ceremonial' law, in -lioretur,fed ex which thelaoly flefh carried in the skirt ofthe garment did malabonus con- not make itholy,but the pollutedperfon touching any holy taminetur, thing, withhis filthines did make it:vncleane as the.Prophet ChryfoRom. Ha ai fheweth ; tonote vntovs, that it isa-matter offarre Hag,a.r3.r4 greaterdtfcultie to cleanfe and purifie, then to defile and make vncleane. The reafon whereofis cleare and tnanifefl; for they are wholly flefh,and webut in part fpirituall and re- generate; fo that they pull vs with full fwinge ofwill,and with all theirpower and might : whereasboth our will and power being diuided, cannot haue fueh force and vertue. Againe, they run fviftly downe the hill and .flreame of vice, but we withgreat labour and difìïcultie crcepe foftly forward in the wayofvertue, and as it were -vp the hill, and ,againfl the flreame ofour corruptions, which naturally catie vsanother way; and therefore ifby familiar companie,.we catchholdtothy them, and graple with them, it isa thou- fand toone,if webe notaflìlled with a power farre lupariour ;to ourowne, they will rather carievs away with their vio. lence, or at leali naturals motion ; then that we 111a11 make ,them,llay, or force.thembackcby true repentance. Neither