Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That thecompany of reic/¿edworldlings it to beameided, t S 7 Neither are wee alone corrupted and infeeled with the 4.Seêl. to. taintureof their finnes,and become euill by imitating their That it if bard wicked examples ; but altoweare made eitheracceffarie to to !cape comps. their fins,which they commit in our company,or elfe weac- nyw;tit the quit ourfelues withmuch griefe& trouble;for hearing their ta`bc úrj/y t blafphemies, ribauldrie and prophanenes, we either beare toiheirhunts. with them,and paffe al ouer with filence,orels weadmonifh and reproue them for their fins; by the former wee become acceffaries,for whilefl webearewith,&winck at our friends faults, wee make them tobecome our ownc,byour filence vitiaanicifi giuing a fecret content to their wickedneffe; and fowhilefl: firesfaces tua. we labour tohaue our focieciepleafing vnto men;wee doe muchdifhonour anddifpleafe God;whilefl we fhew a falle loue to our companions, we makeit manifefl, that there is but little true loueofGod remaining invs : for ifno louing fonne can indure to heare his father difgraced, ifno good feruant can abide to hearehis Lord andmailer difhonoured and abufed;andtherforewil flew their diflike, either by re- buking the offenders, orby forfaking theircompany:then thofe that canwithdelight frequentthecompany ofvvicked men,who in all their words andalions,donothing elfebut difhonour God,doe plainly fhew,that theyneither loue the Lord as theirFather, nor reuerence him as their Lord and Mailer. But if hearing and feeing there abides, they doe reprooue them, then doe they become to their companions irkefome and tedious, mooning them, when they feele themfelues gaulled with reprofes, tobitcerneffe and anger, yea, fometirne to rage andfurious reuenge; and fowhiled+ by their abfence they might haue had them friendly !Iran- gers,by this neerer acquaintance,theybecome knowne ene- mies. And both chefefhouldbecarefullyauoided,either to, difpleafe God bypleafing ofinen; or willingly to difpleafe, and to bee at enmitie with men, whenaswe may auoid it, withoutGods difplcafare. Butas wicked company defile vs with their hones; fo an 4Sec`Z t I. they fubieèt vs to their punifhments; for they brand our mia Tbat names with the blackemarke ofinfamy andreproch,whilefl bas:dab okr keeping them company, we are reputed andcenfured to bee flames with lit. of famie.