Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

16o That euillexamples are verydangerous andhurtfull. CHAP. XVIII. That the companie of the wicked is verse dangerous, by reaf on ofeeoillexamples,andcorrupt corn_ munication. §.Seas, r. `3 Nd thus haue I Chewed the manifold culls, tvackedexam.. which come of frequenting wicked corn_ pie, allure and j` % pany. In the next place let vs confider of / per wade vs D /- ereva ne.' f °°'e fpeciall meanes, wherebyprincipally thisfocieric becommeth vntovs thus hurt- full andpernicious; and thefe are either by their examples, or by their allurements and perfwauions.For the flrfl,the fo.. cietie ofwicked worldlings is exceeding hurtful] vnto vs, becaufe thereby there are daily fet before vs examples ofe- uill,whereby wee are either allured to imitate and follow their wicked and vngodly pra6life,or at leafl,are much vex- ed andgrieued, to fee God fo difhonoured by their finnes. In the former refpe &, looke how many euill examplesare before our eies,and fo many flumbling blockes are laidbe- fore our feete,to hinder vsinour fpirituall race, and to flop vs in our way,as we are trauelling toour heauenlycountrie; and fuch is the corruptionofour nature,that we need no o- therperfwafions to draw vsvnto finne, for euen the fight thereofisa baste fùffïcient to allure vs to imitation. And Intereaufa, hereof it is, that cuen the Heathen man reckoneth this as malorumno f cau chee a e o f all our ends, becaufe weliueafrertheexam- fìrorumeft quell f viuimus ad ex- pie ofthe multitude, and are not compefedand ruledby reafon, empia: nec ra but are carried away with enflame; andtbhereasiffew fhould tiastecomponi- doe ir,wewould not imitate them,uhenar many begin todoeie,we mur,ledcen¡u- were morehoneFí, becaufeit is tudine abduci- mur,e7c, more common ; andfo errar,whenas it is madepublickeandca- Senec.Epift. flomable,is elieemedofvs see theplace oftruth. Wltereby leap- t 13. peareth,that feeing examples are admitted of vs in place of rules and precepts,therefore theexamples ofwicked world- lings muff needsbe verypowerfull,both inweaningvsfrom that which is good,and inalluring vs vnto euill. In the for- mer