Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

, That euillexamplesareverledangerous andhurtful!. r 6r mer refpeétone faith, thatmen oftentimesdefire to heareGods Greá.Sup. word,ber whileFt they beheld others contemptuouflie turning a. Ezech.lib. waytheireares, theyalfonegleft thefruinghearing ofthe truth. How 3. Indmany alto defire torelt contented, andtoecap turmoiling inworldly bu fne(fe,andrefoluenot tofubieft themfelues toearth !y deftres; butwhilefi they beholdothersby unquiet labouring to comeforlipard isthe world,andto beeaduancedvetoriches and honours;beingnot auyetfirmeandwell fetled in theway oftruth, by themill example ofothers, they flide backe into the wayof wic!tedneff. Andas theycneruate andweaken our good re- folutions,foaltotheycorruptvs with finne; in regard wher- ofone faith, that the tender mindwhich is vnfetled in that Subducendut which isright,is tobe?cilhdrancefrombeholding themultitude; Pepulo efttener becaufe weareprone togoe with companie ; and caen Socrates, amo., ¢ Paa: CatoandLnlius,might chance theirmind, andbeebrought to facile altertheirgoodrefolutionby the diffenting multitude ; fo vnable ad plures,&e. isanyofvs,when aiourdlpoficienisbeffcompefed, tobeare the Senec.epif.7. affeult ofvices, when as theycomeagainif vsfirengthened with f great a troope. Andifone exampleofluxoerionfneffeorcone- tokifneffesloth much hurt; ifone delicatc,niceandwantoncam. dothby little and littleweakenand effeminate vs ; ifone richneighbour doth kindle our cancupifcence;andifamalicious companiondoth ruboffhis ruff, caen vpon him that isinnocent andingenuoi e, what thinkeyou willbefallthem, againffwhom TunsfpeEïant combinedwickedneffe doth make a common affeult ? As there- lelosoculi l - fore thofe who haue found eies, doe carefully refraineloo- dantura ipfr. kingvpon theirs which are foreand bleared, becaufe euen 43'1' byPeeing them, a fecretpoifon and infediionis tranfinitted, whereby they alto are tainted; and as men in timeofthe plague, do carefullymake choice oftheiraire andcompany, andauoid them who areinfeéed, andhaue running fores vpon them ; fowith no letfe care arewe toauoid the fight of wickedexamples,and the fellowlhipoffuck as are infe6ted with the plague ofwilfull and prefumptuous finne, becaufe apoifonand infe6tion fecretlycommeth from them(as from the crampfilh to the hand ofthe angler) by the contagion whereofwe alto are tainted and infe6 ed. For the plague orleprofie,is ofafpreading nature, going from one M to.