168 That thefriend /hip ofwiekedworldling, is to be contemned, furtherance in the courteofgodlincffe. And as the Sonne of Eed.6,x4. Syracbfaith, Afaithfullfriendisáflrangdefence, and he that r f.&c. findethfuch an oneftndeth e treefure..4fauhfullfriend ought Salem èmanda not to bechangedfor any thing, andtheweiQht ofgoldandfrlseer toUunt,gai toi. isnot to be compared to thegoodnes ofhisfait h.Afaithfulfriend tant amicitiasn, is the medicineoflifeand immortalitie, andthey that feare the Ambrof.de Lordfhalfndhim: nm hofofeereth.theLord (batdirelihis ienci_ amiciLcaps m- Asp aright, t as hisornnefelfe,foßhallhisfriendbe. Whichwho sine cogitatio fo takeaway from amongfl men, they talle atbay (as it were) effet tedium, the Sun oat ofthefsrmament, and fpoile them rof their chicle emn:s operas :a comfort t forasone faith,u.ithoutfriends all ourcogitations are labar,00mis tedious, our *orb!: toylefome, euery countrieis an exile or rl terraperegra rim age, alllifea torment, and withouttheirfolate lifewerée patio,&c.CaG fián.inepic'. better thendeath. pea 2. Ofthis true friendfhip which is only amongChore that are In what refpells good,in good, & togood ends andpurpofes we donot here . friendfhipwitls peake; yearather we ought earnefilyto wills, that thisver. the tricked is to tue.no leffe excellent then rare and hard to be found might beaueided. 4m¡cut versa diaquaritur, vis inuenitar, difficile rerun. tar.Hieran. epila.ad Ruff. toms. agame returne to the fans oftnen from heauen, vnta which itfeemeth fled, that their comfort in this fweet fruition of their mutuall good might be inlarged and increafed.But the followingdifcourfe tendeth to the contempt ofthatworld.. ly; wicked, falfe and counterfeit friendfhip intertaineda- mong men, which isbctweene the euill alone, or the good and badtogether in euillthings,and for the accomplifhinent ofeuill ends: inwhich rcfpe6s whë this friendfhip is admit- ted,ìt quiteexcludeth the true loue ofGod.Neither wouldI haue Gods feruants. to withdraw themfelues fromworld- lings in refpe&ofciuill kindneffe; and ro profefleopen em. nityagainft theirperfons;butonly from having necre friend- fhip and familiaritie with themiorany communion and fel- lowfhip in that nhich is euill. For howfocuer we are to hate their fins, yet weemua loue their perlons, and though wee may not in refpe& ofthe former culls incertaine them as l&ow.z z r8 friends, yet ifit be poffible, and 46mach as invs heth, we areto banepeacewith all men: and to further with our, bell indc- uours theirconuerfionvino God, that fo- being of onefa- muse, wemay loue them as ourbrethren and fellow feuants: and