That the friendfìip ofwic,Eedworldhrgtie tobecontemned. 169 and for the prefent Peeing we cannot haue them ourfriends, PaacisPis cha- let vs not willingly haue them (ifwecanby lawful( meanes rwúmuctl' auoid it) our foes and enemies. But to come to our purpofe: wee are carefully to takenos omnesami: heed ofworldly friendfhip, when it isan occafion to breake cos habereope- offour friendfhip with God (as it is, when as it prouoketh 1efnmeil : Paris or allurethvs to the committingoffinne,or to the negle&ofon haberrSSc- any good duety ) and labour to pleat.; God rather then nec.epifi. 4, men, when wee cannot pink both' together : efieeming §.Set1,3. luth kindoffriendfhip the moil hatefull emnitie, andfilch net roe can. carnall friends, to bee nobetter then trecherous enemies notbold friend- who doe vs much more mil-chide then thole who openly ¡g ánbdQAlte difcouer their malice, and Phewtheir hatred by offering all with God, outwardviolence. Whereofit is that one thus exclaimetha- gainfl this wicked friendfhip : O friendfhip (faith hee) too machour enemie,asbeingafeducer not eafrie tobeedifcerned ; fromwhich proceedeth an appetite and greedie defireofdoing hart;and endamaging others,ae it werebyway of f artandplay, without anyde/ire ofgaine or reuenge; bat whileff companionsAug,Confef. fay, let vsgoe together,let vs doe it, and they are afhamednot Iib,a,cap.9. to be ae impudent as their fetters on. With which wicked friendfhip that wemaynot be abufed and inueagled, let vs confider, firf:,that we cannot hold this friendfbip with worldlings,but wee muli breake our league andcouenant with God, and as Itwere proclaime wanes againfl him; for- as the Apofile lohn telleth vs,he that lonerh the world,the loue r,Ioh.s.ri, ofthefather cannotabideinhim:andlamesplai nelyaffirmeth, that the amitteofthe world is emnitielbith God; and therefore whofoeuerwillbee afriend oftheworld,ma4ethhimfelfe the ene- mie ofGod: into which finne when Iehefhaphatfell, hee islatn.4.4. fharpely reproued by the Prophet, Wouldesfthou (faith he) helpe the wicked, and loue them that hate the Lord ? therefore for this thing thewrathofthe Lord is upon thee. Secondly,let vs confider that this friendfhip with wicked §,Sell. 4. worldlings is not true, but falfe and counterfeits. For there That friendfbp isno true .friendfhip, but that which isbetweene the ver- toith worldlings tuons and faithfull, and grounded upon the true loue and faire feare ofGod;for whole fake they alfo loue their brethren, cou;rrorfeir. whereby