170 That thefriendfhip o fwict'edlborldlings is tohe contemned. veraamicitia whereby theyhelpe one another forward in vertuous aeli- taotum inter ons, and further their good ends and indeauors. Towhich bous oritar, purpofe one faith ; that all truefriendflüparil tlh andbeginneth inter b , nteróP7i bet ecent shore that aregood, enereafethamong thegood, andis mosco¡mma_ mal perfefl among thofewho are bell and mn/l vertuous; and tir. ca/flan. fu- another affirmeth,thatsee cannot be truefriends untomenviles. per.Pfat webe firflfriends unto the truth. Withwhom- allo a third a-- Aug.epiit.ad Macedon.5z, greeth, faying,that all loue ofthe flefh is corrupt, andthat all tom.z. worldlyfriend(hip isfalfeand counterfaite,whichis. not knit to- getherwith thebond ofGods feare;therebeing no truefidelitie in Chryfoll. in the f ruants ofthedtuell. Neither is it the fruit oftrue friend Mar.ro.Ho- fhi that our faith towards God fhould through itbee vio- md.z4. tom. 2. P g cap.9c8. laced; for hecannot bee a true friendveto man, whohath Pietatis villas (hewed himfelfe vnfaithfull.vnto God-: taor yet.can it bee in amicitia cil. euili,feeing (as one faith)friendlhip is thekeeper andpreferuer BafiLHomil.9., ofpietie; and therefore that friendfhip which is with wicked de ira. worldlin sis tobe contemned and abhorred, as being falle rlmicitia in g s s g taalo effenon and counterfeite, feeing it is with the euill, in euill, and for potefl.Aug. cuili ends,and not groundedvpon the loue ofGod,butvp- ádConfent. on worldly refpe6ts to ferue their owne turnes; andvpon Idle loue thatthey may haue profit or pleafure by them; in eating, drinking,difcourfing,gaming, fporting,and lucho- the rcarnall delights. Whereupon it followeth that it is de- ceitful! and inconflant: for whereas truc friendfhip is im- mutable and perpetuall,becaufe it is grounded on verrue, and on the loue ofGod,which isvnchangeable; this world- ly friendfhip is flickering and vnconflant,lafling nolonger then thefe worldly refpet% and ends of pleafure and profit lafl, whereupon it wholly relleth and relieth. And Errat autë qui therefore (asone faith) bee foully erreth, who feeketh fora amicum in atrio friendin the court, and trieth him ata banquet ; neither cana quant, in ton- werfe thing befallamanmuch imployedin theworld, andfloart- fhing inprofperitie,then that he imaginer them tobe friends ve- to him,vnto whom he is no;thinkiing that bis benefits arepower- fallenough ta procurefriends: whereasTome men the more they are obliged, the more theymaligne their benefatlors : for[mall moneyes lent makedebters; butgreatfemmes>en:emies; beaaufe all hope is takenawayof requital],and pridensaketh them to ututo prooat, &c.Senec. epitk.r9.