Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That thefriendfhip ofwickedworldling, itto lecontemned. 171 to hate thole, vnto whom their neceflitie enforceth them whether theywill or no,toHand indebted and beholding. Such friends therefore as are tied vnto vs in thefe worldly 4.Set7.5. bonds, are not to be efleemed, for when the bonds arebro- rhrfe worldly ken the friends are fcattered ; likechaffe or force fuch light freed, forfake matter, which lieth with the good wheate in the funfhine vs is úmeof andcalme,but feparateth it felfe and fleeth awaywhen the uoítRweFdnrheir leaf blafl of wind bloweth : or like vnto the reed which helpe. fiandeth vpright,and feemeth fideand flrong in faire wea- ther, but boweth and bendeth any way when the forme commeth : fo thefeworldly friends whileft the fun ofprof -' peritie fhineth, do adherevino vs and feeme firme and con- flant, as though they would neuer leauevs; but when the leaa tempefl oftrouble commeth, andwhen the world fee- meth to frowne, they either hang downe the head and will not fee vs, or frame idleexcufes why they cannot helpevs; or like lobsmiferable comforters theymake pouertya crime, and argue and inferre our guiltineffe and faultines, becaufe we are fallen into this miferie and afflidiion. And therefore let vsnotmake choiceoffuch friends ifwee haue themnot, nor truavnto them ifwcehaue them; for like the reed they will bow and flee from vs, when being almofi drowned in miferie, we labour to catch hold of them, or elfcbreaking in our hands will wound vs,whenas wee ref and relie vpon them : or finally like the brier theywill fleecevs ofour wool whenwe flee vnto them for fuccour : or like an old ruinous houfe,wheuwe comevnto them for fhelterand prote6hon againfl the forme, they will fall vpon vs and beatevs to the ground with their opprefíîons. Let vs therefore follow the aduiceofthe fonne of Syrach: If (faith hee) thougettefta Ecclef.6.7.8, friend, proue himfrft,end be not bailie to credit him. Forfame 9. &e. M419 rsa friend for hie o\lone occafson, andwill not abide in the dayofthy trouble, &c. Againe,forcefriend is but a companion at thy table, and in thedayofthine of liftion bee continseethnot, but in thy profperity hewil be aetbore thyfelfe, & : =t11 vfeliberty otter thyferreants; ifthanbebroughtlowhewill be aioift thee, and \bill hide himfelfe from :by face. Depart from thine ene- mies,andbewareofthyfriend,. Yea