Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

272 That thefriendfbipofwickdworldlingsit tobe contemned, 4,Sta,6. Yea,thefe worldly friends donot onlybecome in timeof Worldlyfriends aduerfitie,as vnprofitableas f rangers,but alto as hurtfull as in timeofad- enemies,their kindneffe and lotiedegenerating intomalice nerjisieoften- and hatred:and this the former authoralfoobfcrued. There times enemiesome issomefriendfaith he, that tnrneth to emnitie,andtaketh part Eccld.6,9, .igainft thee,and in contention he will declare rhyiZ'ume. And in another place:There ssfome companioe,whichinprofperitie re- Cap.37.4, ioyceth with his friend, but in the time of troublehe seagain'? him. Ofwhich the Prophet Dauid hauing experience,com- pl aineth, Myfamiliarfriend(faith he)*horn I treed, which Pfal.4t.9. dideats of mybread,hath left zip his heeleagateme. So that in this world! friendship the prouerb truelie taketh place; Too much friendship maketh way forhatred ; yea 'in truth 4miiitianx there is no emnity fo dangerous,as that whichhath t foun- miafaeitodq dation vpon the ruines of loue ; and as in nature,the purefl loam. fubflance is turned into the tnoft loathfomecorruption; fo the hottefiloue,whichbath noother groundbut carnallre- fpeéìs,degenerates oftentimes into themofl deadlyhatred, and hurtfull entnitie. For being priuie to all theirfriends fe- crets and counfels,and well acquainted with their flateand condition,they are the more enabled thereby to doe them the greater mifchie.fe when their loue isturned to fpiteand malice. Euen as a traitor is much more dangerous then a profeffed enemie,anda fugitiue fouldiermoreperniciousin time ofwarre,then he that affaultethwith open violence.To ,3nimitef vi- which purpofe one faith : that anenemy may be"banned, but tartpeteJt,ami_ P P }' % cusnon poteft a friendcannot,ifhemeaneth tobe treacherous ; andwe mayea- fi infdiare ve. filie take beadofhem, vntowhom 'lote he net committed our lzt,&t.Amb, counfelr, but it is farcepeible to pressent his mifchiefes, to ofñc.lib.3, whom we haue entru/lcd.them. eáp' 3' But as thisworldly friendship is very dangerous and hurt- Worldly full to our outwardefiate when it breaketh off;fo it is much .tpippr ci, more perniciousto our foules, and fpirituall eflatc whilefl it 'PPe nituut p s P toourfoules. lafleth and continueth; as being one ofthe moil forcible meanes which either Satan.or theworld poison and corrupt vs with finne ; and one of the moil pearcing ar- rowes inal.their quiueroftentations,wherewith they inTh& deepe and incurable wounds intó our confciences : while(à examples,