Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That thefriendßbipof rrici<edworldlings is to becontemned. i ys felues incountred, and inthralleth vs in the deepe dungeon ofínne,before wepercciue our felues takenprifoncrs. As therefore thoCe difeafeswhich grow vpon vs bydegrees vp- on finali andnot apparant caufes,are of all others mofl dan- gerousand incurable : fo thefe fpiritual difeafesofthe foule, which fleale vpon vsby little and little,are not eafily cured, andmoll endanger vs,becaufe they arenot difcerned, vntiil cuflome bath giuen them fullpoffeflion,and as it were, tur- ned them into nature. Andas men are no leflè fearefull ofa lingring confitmption,then ofa hot burning ague,becaufe it doth more certainly deflroy vs, though it Bothnot affault vs with like violence ; fo that corruption, which flealinglyin- feöteth vs through the familiaritie and neere friendfhip which we haue with a ciuil worldling, Both oftentimes moreendanger vs, then all the violent prouocati- ons ofinen notorioufly wicked,whereby they labour fttddenly, and all at once to plungevsheadlong into wickednes. The endofthefini Evoke.