Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Ofhononrs,riches,andpleafeiret. 179 but ofan indifferent nature, good to thole who vfe them well,and euill to thofe that abufe themvnto fin, and accor- dingly theyare bellowed ofGod indifferently both to the goodand euill. Towhich purpofe onefaith, that Pfal. haue theft temporalithings lieout in common betweene thegodly 66.enarrat. andthe lbicked, becaufe if hefhouldgicle them only to thegood, t°"'.8. the euill would thinke that for their fake the righteous firmed God: and ifhefhouldyiue them only to the mill, thofe whoare weake ingoodnes wouldfeare to be conuerted, lefttheft things . fhouldbewantingvntothem,&ci.eflgaine, iftheft earthly things fhouldbetakenaway onlyfrom the good, thefame feare would hinder theweak,.from turningto God; andiftheyAmid ta- ken awayonlyfrom thewicked, it would be thought theonlypi- nifhment which cuill men Thai finer: whereas therefore he gi teeththeft things to thegood,hedoth thereby comfort travellers andpilgrimes ; andwhereas hegiveth them totheeuill, headmo- nifheththereby thegood, that they defirefuch things asare not common to thewicked. Yet neuertheleffe becaufe they arc in their owne nature §.Sec7.4. good, and thebleffingsofGod, we muff haue no quarrell a- That weought gain( the things themfelues, but onely again!+ their abufe not toreicit and corruption, neithermuff we contemne and reie1 them, th`n worldly whenGodhuh beffowcd them on vs, but rather labour to abufe. but their nukeagood and holy vfeofthem to the glorie ofGod, the goodofour brethren,and the furtheranceofour owne fal- uation, and fo !hall they retaine their owne nature, and be- come ttuly good vntovs; whereas on the otherfide, by re- ie6ling the gifts ofGod, we fhall offer wrong to the giucr, in contemning hisb enefits,andbut bewray acertaine Cyni- Villius tirrena call and Papifficall pride, as we !hall afterwardsmore plain- opulentiatene- ly (hew.And therefore (asone faith) theft earthlyblefngsare tunhumiliter, moreprofitable retainedwithhumiktie , then teie¿1edwithpride. Yuen úipN bè Towhich purpofeanother exhortethvs toate the world and Augdie morib. worldly ihings, with our conuerfation, andnot lbith our bodie, ecclefCath. for they holdnot on thediuelspart by nature, but by corruption. Fugemusdum But excellentlydoth that wife Senecawrite, and fitly for our conucrfatione vfe, ifwedo but change his Philofophie into true Chrilfia- noncorpore, & c.Chryfoft. nitie: e/luoid (faith hee)flouenlyattire, a head untrimmed, inMatth.rz. '1V 2 andHomil.z9.