Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

1130 Cfhonours,riches,andpleafures. 4fperum cut- andvncombed, a rough andneglei-ledbeard, profeffedhatreda. sum, . toton- gainil money, lying vpon theground, anduh.atfoeuerelfe,rshere- um ca nti i by men labourto areainevitro their ambitious ends, though they barbam,et in_ go acontrarie may:euen thename ofPhilolophy it infelfit odiosa diolwnargento enough, although it beprofejjedwith all humanitie andeinilaie; oduns, ttcubileand howmuchmoreiftbebegintowithdra -v ourfelues from the holmpofieum, cuftomeand conuerfttion ofinen?Let vs labor tohaue allthings etgnitqu!d unlike worldling! within vs, but let our outward countenance alíudambitio- itemperue,fa and¡hew agreewiththem : let not thy clothesglitter, let them v;a¡equitur, not befluttißi; let vsnot affe8ttohauefluerplatedeepeyinlayed Aerate. andimboffedwithgold : neitherlet vs thinl&e it afgne of f uga- litie to wantgold andAuer: Let vsfludie to leada better life then the commonfore, andnot a contrarie ; othertbife whtleft we la- bour to amendthem, Abe!ball driue them away, andturn them fora vs:yea it will hereby come to page, that they will imitate nothingin vs,whileit theyfeare left theylhouldimitate all things. Philofophiedoth-in thevery entrancepremife thevie ofcommon reafon, humanitie andfocietie, fromwhich this difftmihtude of profelliondiuidethvs.Let vs take heedleMtheft things,forwhich we deftre tobeadmired, do becomeridiculousandodious :wepro- poundvetoourfeluesto lose according tonature; but this iscon- trarieto natureto torment amans oursebadie,tohate ealily-pro. curedhandfomeneffè, to affeît bealllynafltneff, and to feedon meats not only court andhomely,butfluttiAandlothfowe. AsIt fauourethofluxurioufneffe to defiredelicacies,fooffolly to auoid thevfeofcommon meates, which maybe prouidedat eafe rates. Philofophiereguirethiugalitie, notpunifhmertandtorture,&e. He isa manabfolute andcomplete that vferhearthen veils as though theywereflitter, andhe alto tbhichvfethfritteras though iswereearth. /tisafgneofaweak! mind not to be able toen- dureriches. §:Silt.5. Seeing therefore theft earthlyand worldly thingsarenot To the right vie to be contemned and reieôled becaufe theyare intheir own ofworldly nature good, and the bleffings ofGod ; and inrefpe6t ofvs, things is regot- i g ood vnto the good whov e them well, and profitable fer- red,f;t4, that g P ourperfnns be uants when as theyaregouerned and difpofedby a wifeand tegeuerate. vertuous mind; let vs in the next placeconfider howwe may fo vie them, asthat they may bevnto vstrulygood and efli- mable