184 Ofthe right vfeofhonourr,riches,andpleafMres. letit beall bellowedon theCreator ofthe world. Finally, how- foeuer wee mayvfe thefe earthly Wettings when God be. floweth them,yet weare tobe careful! that we doe-not take ourchiefeioyand comfort in them, but rather in the Lord who, gave them, in the fruition of his fpirituall graces,and in theaffuranceofour heauenlykingdome.ForGod didnot giue vs thefe worldlycottages that wee fhould ioy inthem, and negle6t our (latelypalace; hedid not bellowonvs thefe toyes and trifles that we fhould refs in them,and contemne our heauenlypatrimony;but onlyhegiueth vs thefe courier mutes, to flayour (lomacks fora time,till we come to the great (upper of the Lambe; and caflethvnto vs, as vnto tittle children,thefc pleating vanities, tokeepe vs from cry- ingandcomplaining,till we come toage,and are capableof his heauenly excellencies,andof thofe gloriousgifts of in. comparable value. And therefore as weearenotalwaies to be children in knowledge, fo.neither let vsbechildren in affeélion,dotingvpon thefe earthly trifleswhich wereonly giuen vs for a time to vfe,and negle6ling in re fpeEt ofthem Gods fpirituall graces,and thatheauenly happineffe, which Rçs alit lout isprouided for vs toenioy. For as one faith : There arefome guibusfaun- thingsofwhichweare tohaue thefruition,fome thingswhichwe dot bust, alia areto vfe,andfame things which wee areboth to enioyandvfe. tm,ali a qua Thole things whichWee are to eni y, doemakevs bleffed;with fiuuutur et,. v thefe thingswhich we are tovie we arehelpedand relieued, trbi- tuntur,&e. leftweare trauellingtowards this blefdnefe;thatfowe may at- Aug.dedót3. taine unto it,andfet our heartsvponit. New ifwee'ho poffeffe Chrül.lib.s., and vjethem, hawing themfit beforevs, will enioy thole things, eap.3.4, which WeeJbauld Andy ?up; our courfc and iourney is thereby ftaied, andfemetimes alfowee areput out ofourway,or.et leaft kindredin ourcourfe, or turned6ac4 again,from theobtaining oftheft things whichweeflieuldenjoy, being untangled with the lotteofthefe terreflriall vanities. For toenioya thsng,isWith all oar loue te adhere.vnto it,for it ownefake; iovfe it, is to referre that which Weevfe, to theobtami,o ofthat whichwee loue,ifat leaf? it be worthie to bebeloued:forvnlalifull vfe is rather to be-tearmed abufe. As .therefore if being pilgrimes,which cannot huehappilyburinour owne countrie; and bèingdiftrefed in this our