Of the right vfeofhaveur,r iher,azdpleafieret. I87 littlepleafure in them,in comparifon ofthat wonderful) de- mergaritis et lighr,whichhis hungrie foule taketh inGod his heaucnlyindumenth Father. preciofi ,fit, And if wee thus efleeme, affe& and recite theirworldly Mcarius No- things in our iudgement,heart and pra&ife,then will it alto & eti. t o. neceffarilyfollow, that weewill onlyvfe lawful] meanes in Tüatroemuß theattaining voto them; contemning anddefpifng them, vfethofe means whenas they are offered vino vs vpon euill &vnlawffid con- onety which are ñitions,as being the diuels alluring baits,wherwith he inti lawl]'tt for tha ceth vs tooffend God,and to hazard the loffe ofthole fpiri- teh'emireffirntVf tuall,heauenly andeternall excellenciesfor the obtaining of:hings. thefebafe,earrhly, and momentanie vanities. And then aI- fo will we notbe much troubled, though we faile of them when we feeke them,or haue them taken from vs when we poffeffe them : fo that in (+cad of them the Lord giueth vs his fpiriruall graces,and affurethvs ofhisheauenly ioyes; as not thinking itmuch towant thefe trifles, when wee are in- nichedwith thofe incomparable treafures, and giftsoffarre bettervalue. Neither will we then enuie the flourilhiug e- Bateofwicked worldlings,nomore then the heire apparant ofa kingdome, enuieth the prefent poffcfï;ons of apoore cotager. And thus haue I (hewed the lawfull vfe ofthefe worldly &,Serrl.t I. bleflìngs,in regard ofour efleeming,louing, andPeeking af- of:he tat'futl ter them. Nowwe are alto to adde fomethingoftheir law- ofe ofthefe full vfe,in regardofour poffe ling and difpofing them; lea earthtythings, wing the more full handling hereof, till I come to fpeake of piog;]iitg dour the particulars. And to fay nothing ofthofe former pointsdfpofragthem, ofeuleeming and louing them, which are common bothto the feekingand poffeflìng ofthefe things, becaufe it is eafie fotthedifcreet Reader toapply it alto to this purpofe ; wee arefurther to know, that ifwe would haue a lawfull vfe of thefe things,foas they may indeed beblefïings.ofGód unto vs,thenmull we in the firflplace ianaiflc them vnto ourvie by the wordofGod and prayer; according to the Apoflles r,Tim,4 . rule, emery creatureof od is good, beingfanetifiedby the word ofGodandprayer; by the word, as it doth (hew and warrant the right vfe ofit,fo asit traybe done in faith,andbyprayer, as