Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

O fhonours. r 89 The former confifleth not onely in the approbation, which God andour owne confciences giue to cur vertuous aelions and good parts; but all() iu the good opinion,and eflimati- on ofthc,vcrtuousand religious, ioyned with their freeap- plaufe and commendation of thofe gifts, whichGod bath bellowed on vs ; and ofthofe goodworkes, and honefl ho- nefl and religious actions, which throughhis grace are per- formed byvs. Thewhichmay be either in privatChrifli. ansofineaneplaceand calling, or in publicke and eminent perfons, ioyned with anthoritie and rule, or other worldly dignities and preferments. The other is the applaufe and praife of the rude,ignorant,and vnconflant multitude, ioy- ned with worldly aduancement and preferment, either pro- cured by fubtill diuices and wicked arts, making fhadowes and appearances ofverrues and good a6tions, to (land for thofe whicharetrue andfubflantian; or immoderately and ambitioufly affeC6ed for thofe things in them, or doneby them,which in their owne naturearegood and commenda- ble. Theformer kindofhonour is lawfull,and tobe defired moderately ofall Chriflians, the other is to bee contemned anddefpifed. The lawfulneffeofthathonour, and ofthe moderate de- 4.Sea.3. fire thereofmay appeare, firfl,becaufe it is thegift of God ; That honouritt for it is he that raifethvp thepoore out ofthe duff, and lifteth itlrifeisrood vp the beggarout ofthedunghill, to fetthem amongprinces.and andlamfull to makethem inherit thefareofglory,ae Hannahfpeaketh.And i.Sam.z.8* amid acknowledgeth, that riches and honours comefrom God,andthat it ishis handthatmal¿ethgreat, giueth ffrength r.Chron.z9. to all. And therefore thefe fireames mull needs in themfelues be pure andgood,feeing theyflow fromGod,the fountaine ofall goodneffe,vnleffe they bepolluted through thediuels malice,andmans corruption. Secondly, thefe honours are promifed bellowedbyGodwon his children and fcruants, as his bleflìngs, and rewards oftheir faithfull feruice. So when1faacbleffed Iacob,this was one part thereof,rharpeo- plefhould behisferuants, and nations bow unto him; thathee Gen.z7.29 fhouldbe Lordouer hisbrethren,andhismothers childrenfbould hanour-bim. To thew untovs, that honourand bleffedneffe may