Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Deut.z6. 17.19. 1.Sam.z.30. Pfal.r t z.6. Pro./0.7. r.Tim.5.r7. Rama bone/la altarmpatri. soniumcri. Pro.zz.z. Ecclef.4r.iz. Ecclef.7.3. Pfal.t tz.6. Qt 104-15. Pro.15.3o 190 That honours in themfelues aregoodand lawful/. maywell goe together, and that we may rule oaermen, and at the fame time he the faithful! feruants ofour great Lord and Mailer. Thus the Lordpromifeth the people oflfrael, that becaufe theyhadlet vp the Lord to be their God,to maleein his waies,and tokeepe his ordinances, thereforehealfo wouldfit vpthem,andmake them high above all nations which hebath made inpraifi,andinname, and in glorie ; fo the Lord faith, that hewillhonour thole that honour him; andthat the righte- otss /hallbehad intutelafling remembrance, andthat the memo_ riall oftheins'lJhallbe bleffed. And the ApofilePaul allotteth vnto elders that gouerne well, a double portion ofthis ho- nour,asa reward oftheir faithful! feruice. Neither isitto be elleemed a reward offnall value, being compared with othertemporarie and worldly benefits, but of great worth and etteeme; for,as one faith, a good name is afecond pa- trimonie ; yea,it isto be preferred before lands and worldly wealth: For, as the wifeman faith; a 'good name is tobee ehofenabouegreat rìches,andlotting fauour is aboneflitter and gold. Withwhich accordeth the Paying ofthe fonne ofSp. rach, Hasse regard to thy name, for that Jhall continue with thee,abeuea thoufand treafures ofgold. And foalto it is more tobeefleemed thenall worldly pleafures, in which refpeól, the Preacherpreferreth agood namebcforea preciousoint- ment,both becaufe itis much more fweete and comfortable to him thathath it,and thofewhich areabout him, and alto becattfe thisfweet Pent and fauourfpreadcth it lelfemuch further,doing themgoodwhich are farrediflant, and is of much longer continuance,for the finell of theointment en. durethbuta while, wheras the odour ola goodname lafleth for euer:for as the Pfalmifl faith, The righteotu (haiil be Kadin o'er/aging remembrance. Finally, it is laid ofagood oint- ment,that it dothmake the face Ihine, and the countenance chearefull,but ofa good name,that it euen filleth the bones with marrow and fatneffe. Yea, in truth a mans fame and good report is to bepreferred before life it ; feeing the life ofan ingenuous and honefl man is as bitter as worme- wood,when ashe hath outlined his reputation : as allo be- caufe the bell life is but!boa and momentanie; whereas the