Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

1)4 What isrequired togoodandlalbfullhonours. inggood and vertuous, and theirteflimonie alto and appro- bation will bring veto thofe that haue it moflioy and com. fort, becaufe it is fubilantiall and well grounded. As for the tetlimonieofthe wicked andvngodly, it is not tobe defied ifwe have it nor, nor to be valued and efieened ifwe haue Laudari à malè it.So Auguiline faith, /defire not to bepraifedofeuilllacers, 1 viuent,b,anoto, abhorre anddetefiit,it is rather agriefethenapleafure Vastome; abborreo dol ncte. but if1fhouldfay that 1defirenot to epraifedofthofe thathue ali- bi elf, nonvo. we/l, !fieuldbut diffemble r if1fbouldfay 1do defire it,l feare left lopeati, &e. If ouldbemoregreedieofvanitie thenoffoltditie: what there- Aug.Hom,z5, fore/box/4 /fay ? Ineitherfully willit, norfulynillit : 1doenot> fullywillit, leg 1fhouldbe endangeredbyhumanepratfes;neither do 1fully nillit,leii theyfiouldbevngratefalito whoIpreach.As therefore it is the nature ofall men todefire praife,fo it is the propertie ofthofe who are truly wife and vertuous, to delire this praife of chofe thatare praife-worthie; becaufe wicked worldlings are readie to applaud and commend men when they doe euill, andkecpe them company in their vngodly courfes :in refpeel whereofaman hath iutl caufe to fufpea himfelfe, and to examine his aFtions, when impiousmen intifihenes commendthem. So the Heathen man hearing that hee was orod Laertinm. praifed by fuch as he reputed euill, was iealous ofhimfelfe; de"' Phil. Haue I (laid he) done any euill at vnawares, that Inch coin- lib.ó,cap.r. Y mendme?And the Lacedemonian whenas hisKingwas by Plutarch.itt lewd perlonshighly commended,was readie to aske;Can a- Apothegm. ny(faith he) be hippie, and not be bitter and diffaflefull to wicked men? yea our Sauiour Chrifl himfelfedenounceth Luk.6.26. a woe againfi thofe ofwhom all men fpeake well, becaufe euill men wilnot longbe in loue and liking with the adtions ofthe good: For asthe wickedman is anabomination to the iuf, fohethat is vprght inhisway, isan abomination to the wicked: Pro.2.9.z7 and our Sauiour bath toldvs, that theditiple is not abovehis mailer, nor the[truant abone his Lord, &c. If therefore they Má zg, hauecalledthe mafterofehehoaft7eel-zebub, howmuch more Seta.? be rhButisi thenvnlawfiilltobepraifed ofworldlings? and latin/nu todef;e are their commendations alwaies to be contemned and re- pea;feofaieIed ie6led ?Noaffutedly, their good word rather then their o- men_ uill