Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

196 What isrequiredv, nto honours thattheymay begood,&e; uants, and therefore thole that take it vpon them, being de_ llitute ofthefe, are but vfurpers who intrude vpon other mens right. As for example, thole who delire to be honored for their finnesand vices, for b v inganddrinking,forrio- ting and waflefull fpending,for quarrelling,fghting,reuen- ging wrongs and Bach like : which howloeuer they may makemen efleemed and well fpoken ofamongwickedmen, Lulc.t 6.t 5. like vnto themfelues, yet nothing maketh themmore bale and contemptible in the fight ofGod, and of all that are good and vertuous. Secondly,men vniuillyarrogat thisho- nor veto themfelues for vanities and things ofnoworth,nei- ther doth fo richa reward as true honor belong vntomen for euery fritiolous trifle : and thus did they who built the tower ofBabel toget them a name. And eAófolonhauingnover_ cues to-eternizehis memorie, ereóled a pillar andcalledit af- ter his owne name, that herebyhis fame might continue to polleritie: and fo the Pfalmill obferueth, that the wicked imagining that theirbottles and habitations lhall continue a.Sam.18.18. for ever, call theirlands by their ownenames, that fo when theirliues end their fame may continue. And thus many a- mong our(elves ere& goodlyhoules which theyneuer in- Pf11.49.u. habit, and (lately tombes to lay in their rotten bodies, that by thefe meanes their honor may be preferued, and their fame remaine in after ages. Lallly,they vniufily challenge honors who being dellitute ofall truegood, do pur on a vi- zard ofvertue,and make Phewofthat goodneffewhich They ocher fo muchas loved ordefired, not caringat all tobe ver- tuous and religious, but only counterfeit them hypocritical- ly, that bykerning that they arenot, they mayobtaine that honor and praife which they haue no hopeofhauing,ifrhey appeared in their ownelike'neffe : wherein whatdo they el le but play the impollers and deceiuers, challenging the pre- cious and true coineofhonor and glorie, for their falfe and counterfeit wares, worthie in this refpecc} rather to iland vp- on the pillery,that al men may take notice oftheir cofenage, and learnt by their example to fcorne their bale (hilts, then to be advanced into the feate ofhonor.Iftherfore wewould haue truehonor, let vs labour to be that wee feeme, and in- dcauour