What is requiredveto honoursthat they may bcgood, &c. 197 deuour more toapproueour heartsvntoGod, then our out. ward a&ions vntomen : otherwife our honor being buta fhadowofafhradow, vaine in it felfe, and grounded vpona vaineand falfc caule, is likebut to haue a Ihort raigne; for Godabhorring hypocrifie,will in theend pull offthe hypo- critesvizard,andfhewing him in his owne naturali defor- nritie,w ill expofe him to the fcorne andcontempt ofall men. And following the Apofiles example, let vs delre to haue praifeattend vponvenue andgoodnefl'e, and not gobefore lc, and build it noton the fandie foundation offalfe fhewes and deceitfullcolours, ifwemeanetohave it of any conti- nuance, but on truth, honeflie, iufiice,puritieandthe works ofloue: whatfoeuer things (faith bee) are true, wharfruer thingsarehone., whatfeetser thingsare iull, whatfewer things arepure, whatfoeuer thingspertain to lone, whatfoeuer things are ofgoodreport ;iftherebeany vertue,oriftberebeanyFriuli, Phil.4.E. thinhe on thefe things. Fivally,as we are to delirehonor andpralle for that which 4,See/.9. is honest and praife-worthie,fo in refpe6tofthemeafure they That wrought fhouldbemoderate, and in fomeproportion fitted to our tooffntfish verrues andgoodparts; forasitis impious to delre praife, as for that which iseuill; to isirvnequall and vniufl, to affeó Proportionable great honors for fmall deferts, and proud ambition, todelire to ourdefeat. tobe preferred before thofe who farre exceed vs in verrue and goodnes. Inwhich refpell we are carefully to takeheed offelfe-loue, which makes vs to amplifie our owne good parts, and in comparifon ofthem to extenuateother andcaufeth vs to looke (as it were)thorow a trunckeofa far vnequallbore, turning the .finall end to our neighbours ver- tues,which fcanteth them to our fight,and maketh them ap- peare leffe andfewer then theyare; and thegreat end toour owne, whereby our fight is foinlarged that wee fee all and more too. But abeam all things let vstake heed, though we beneuerfoexcellent, -that weücfferand admit chore prides onlywhichbelong vnto men, not daringor prefucningto encroachvponGods titles and royalties. In which refpee Herodoffended,when he aflumedunto him thepraife dueto his Creator;and the Heathen Emperours,whofe pridemade [email protected]. o 3 their