Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

li'bd,t tfrequired e'no hammers the theymrf ty begoad, &C. 199 to,lellwe make it flad;fhand bate, which in it owne nature is free and generous. To this purpofeA,zau/1rncaduifeth vs, that we fhould not wholly accept,nor wholly reieét, all that honour which is offeredveto vs; for he that defpifeth all ho- nour andfameforhis goodparts,and for that which hehath well done,feemeth to abate, and not thankfully to acknow- ledge thegifts ofGod, which is not agreeable with pietie; andon theother fide, he that embracethall that is offered, doth not a little exceed the boundsoftnodeftie. And as we wonmagna arenot to doegood aelfonspurpofely to this end, that wee ntmuatiseft mayhaue the praifeofmen,for then we 1hall haue thehypo- magnos pesero erites reward; but for lone ofGod and goodneffe, and to honores.fedcon, aduance his lorie:ratheraffeeîin todothofethinswhichtenere. g b' g de eiuit,deio deferue fame, then the obtainingcf fame it felfe; becaufe Jibs. honourtnuft be the fruiteand effr l ofwell- doing, and not Phi1.4.g, the motiue or finali caufe; and (as one faith) It isgood tobe Laas hamana raf ed, but better to be prat e tvortbie : Soon the other frdenon appente, e- P Ï P i" ElèJaciente,(ed when wehaue done vertuouflyand togood ends, and haue fequi debet re- due commendation attributed vetovs, weearenot to neg_ etefacientem. lea or defpife it; for this were to fhew no true humilitie, Berm. but contemptuous pride, anddifdainfull arrogancie,where- Bosm efilau- bymenattribute lomuch to themlelues, that theycare not dani,fedpre. what others think ofthem. Yea feting honour is the reward flantius el! lam- wherewith God euen ill this life crownethvertuc,it is alto- dabihmuili. gether as vnla.vfuil to reiec¡l his gift when hee proffereth it Senes. veto vs,ssambitioufly to delire it before it is offered. Which moderation ifwee would obierue inour affc6tiou, it beho- uethvs 6rfl,tooblcrue this gold meane in ouriudgemcuts: for as on the onefide we arenot barely toefleeme of honor and a good namc,lefl we reiedl it,whê it is lawfullyoffered; Soon theother fide wee are not to ouerualne it,efleeming it ofgrearerworth and exceilencie then Gods fpirituall gra- ces,or the glorie of his kinodomc, left the gainingofthis which is but imperfeCt and of momentanie continuance, weaneour hearts from that which is.tnoft abfolute andeter- nall. And ifweneither ouerualue it inour iudgements,nortoo 4.Seéf.1t. eagerlypurfue itwith our affeElions,thenwill it allo follow, That good O 4 that ?mares only