what isrequired mitehonours that they may begood,e-c. 201 letting that before vs as our chicle and lati end, in all our Laudari hand wordsand aaions,andonly defiring our owne fame and re- meexam, "Pe putation, as it doth like an humble handmaid attend upon enbya icon. it. And this end our Sauiourpropoundeth,willingvs,to ter redreetiArm- our lightsRinebefore me r,that theyfeeino ourgoodmarker may clue extremum- glòrifieour Father whieb isin heauen t And his holy Apofile que offs recufo .., ehargeth vs,that whetherwe cate ordrtnke, or uhatjoeuer weeEnBe tuum et doe,that allbereferred t o theglorieofgod. Now this we doe,. b: t;&c. Neff. when as findingoura6lionstendingtotheaduancement of g a Mar.ç.t6. Godsglory,we refolutely goe forward in them, although t.Cor.to.3 t. that they tend to our difcredit and difgraceamong men,not caring who fpeake euill ofvs,fo thatwe beaffured thatGod approueth vs;according to theexample ofthe Apoflle, who confían Elywent forward inhisChrillian courfe,6yhonorand drfhonor,erl reportand000dreport. And whenasholding on 2.Cor.6.s. in thisway, weeare difhonoured among men, yet!hall wee haue no want ofhonour,feeing the Lordhimfelfewill beour glory,and vp our heads,when as men feeke to treadvs vn- derfoot,astheProphet Dauid fpeaketh. Whereas on the o- Pfal.3.3.6t ther fide,ifwechiefly aime at our owne praife; we (hall haue 62.7. thehypocritesreward; if weaffebí popularitic,and feeke in Galó.t ó the firfí placeto pleafemen,that fowemaybe had honour and efleeme,wee (hall haue little comfort by it, feeingwee plainelyPhewhereby, that wee are not the feruancs ofrefits Chrifí; ifweloue the praife ofinen,more then the praife of God; and thus immoderately feeke the praifeone ofano- Ioh $ , ther, weeare deflitute oftrue faith, as -our Sauiourtcllcth VS. Finally,ifwewould baueour honours good and lawfull, 4. Sea.i3, wemufl not let them, when they are atcnbed vntovs, refí Wemu,$not with vs;but returne them wholly vnto the Lord,from whom let honourref/ hntb wehaue receitted whatfoeuer is commendable,andpraife- ünevi wholly worthie in vs. And as bright fhining and goldenveflèls,do ;7076-pd. utoGod not recaine thebeames ofthe Sunne whiçh theyreceiue, but returnethetnbacke,and-double them by refe6lion ; foha- uing from theSu!me of righteoufneilè thefe bri;gh;beames ofhis grace andvertue, not onely tp warme our hearts, but afro to Thine in our wordsand-aCIions,wu are Fo reflec`í them backe