Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

what is requiredvetohonours that they PM)óegosd,&c. 2 03 goodnes, when the windofpride and vaineglory is quite expelled. Lafily,that our honours and good name maybevntovs pat),Iq. trudy goodand lawfull,we mu(i, when we haue them, im- ir, muff employ ploythem to goodvfes,and make them (crue notonely for our honours the aduancement ofGods glory, ofwhich I haue already varogood fpoken, but alto to the good and faluation, both of our neighbours and our felues; as namely,weeought to vfe all theloue, authoritie and credit whichwe haue with them, as cordsto pull thembacke in the headlong courfeofuinne, and as allurements to jonce them to follow our example, in thole verrues andgood:parts, for which wearefo commen- dable. And for our felues, when weeconfider that God by furnifhingvs with his gifts and graces, bath made vs not onely efieemablein his ownc fight, but alto honourable a- mong men; let thisrich rewardmakevsto yeeldveto God all thankfulneffe . and obedience : let this our credit and re- putationmake vs careful) in auoidingall finne,whereby our honour willbe blemifbed and impeached ; and letthis gar- land ofearthly honour ferùe toincourage vs, more cheare- fully to run on in ourChrifiian race, that foalto we mayob- tain thatpreoiousand heaucnlie crown ofeuerlaflingglory. And thus haue I fit downe the cautions which arcrequi- 4,Sell,15. redvnto lawfull honours, which being obferued, they are Thatlamfutt good and warrantable; and therefore to be moderatelie de- honours areto fired ifwce haue them not, and duly efieemed ifwec haue be de¡>edfor them.Neither is it tobeeffect-bed true humility,but fiupidi- God, glory. tie and fenflefneffe,notto be affe&ed with the Tweet odour ofa goodname. And howfoeuer ambition,vainegtorie,and worldly and carnali honours, are to bee contemned ofall Chrifiians,aswe fhallaftcrwards fhew,yct thefe lawfull ho- nours,fame and reputation, wherein the former conditions are obferued,both in compaflìng and vfing them, may, yea ought tobe definedand efleemed, Peeing they tend to Gods glory,thegoodofourbrethren, and the furthering of-our owne faluation. For whenas weThine glorioufly in the eies ofinen,in the light ofa godly life, then is our heauenly Fa- thergiorificd,asour Sauiourtellethvs; bothbecaufehce is Mát..le. the