Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

204. . That lawful! honour:are tobe defired. theauthor and fountaine ofall there graces and good gifts, and ourLord andMafier,vnder whore rule and gouernment wee thus profit in venue and goodnefl'e : and alto becaufe' whatfocuerpraifc we haue ofinen, we thankfully returne it vn;ohim. Euen as contrariwife when as wedifhonour our felues by ourfins, we alto caufe the nameofthe Lord to be blafphetncdand euillfpokenofby chore .wlio.are firangers to his grace. And therefore though there were no other reafon moouing vs to feeke this honour and'good report, yet this werefufllcient,thac by it ourheauenlyfather is allo glorified,though WC. didnotrefpeói ourfame,for our owne fakes,yet for Gods fakewe muff refpe& ir, becaufe our dif- creditdoth alfo tend.tohis difhonour. 4.Set3i.16. So alto weeare to defire andefieeme this lawfull honour Tbatweare to for our neighbours good; firfi,becaufe performinga dulie defirelawjbll inioyned thembyGod, theyare alto made partakersof his honours f rsur promifcs and rewards ; for the Lord requireth in the fifth oldruff bend .Commandement,that we fhould honour them who are fu- caafe thereby periour untovs in gifts, and that wee fhouldacknowledge hedorbbis and give duc refpe& to his graces wherefoeuer wee find dune. them ; and in the ninth Commandement,thatwe fhould be careful! in preferuing thefameand reputation .ofourneigh- I.f'cr.z.r7. bouts; theApofileato chargethvs, hatingiteinehonour,we flriuetogoe onebeforeanother; and ;hat we!herald horaourall men, lone brotherlielonefeare Godandhonour the King. And tahisCommandement the Lord bath added rhepromifeof lotyg life,as a type oflife euerlafüng, and the earthly Cana- an,asa pledgeofour heaucnly inheritance, ofwhich it is a mofi manifefi lignethat we are licites, when aswe Ioue, re- verence andrefpedi the children ofGod,for thofe gifts and graces which wee fee Ihining in them; as appeareth in the fifteenth Praline, whereit is made a markeoboe that is to inherit Gods Kingdome, to contemne g vileperfon, or a der- Pfal.t 5.4.. petate Griner, and to honour them thatfeare the Lord. And thereforewhen our neighbours doe thus refped and reve- rence vs,for our verrues and good parts,we are excecdinglie to reioyce, not onely in refpeéi ofGod, becaufe his will is çionc on carth,or our fclues, becaufewee are adorned with this