Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That lamfullhanestrr are tobedefred. 205 this crowne ofvertue; but alto in regardofour neighbours, from whomwe haue this honour, becaufe they performe that dutie which Godrequirethofthem, and thereby mani- fellthat theyflail be partakers of hispromifes,andheires of euerlaaing life. Secondly,we are to defire this honour andgood efleeme 4,Sec`f, r . for our neighbours fake, thathee may thereby bee edified, Weu,reß drfre when ashe not only feeth our good example,butalto lilt th lamfellhoour andapprooueth it; for it is anotable degree to the imbra- Char our eith_. cingofgoodnef ein amans felfe,when hebeginneth toho-b.eubyed Fred. flourand reuerence it in another. Betides, there is alwaies with this honour and refpeót,great authoritie ioyned in the partie who is thus honoured, ouer himwho yeeldeth it vn- tohim,which is notforced, but willingandvoluntary; and thisis very effeóluall and powerful! to draw men vnto all good and religious courfes,becaufe it procureth audience and refpe6tvino their words and perfwafions; and therfore we ought carefidly tomaintaine our honour,that fo wemay "alfópreferueour authoritie,for thegood and edification of our brethren,inwhich refpei9, theApoftle chargeth7ämo- thieandTitres topreferue their credit fromcontempt,thatfo t.T;m.q.rr. hauing more authoritie with the people, their minifterie Titztp* might be more effeelu all to perfwade them to imbrace the truth,and followgood and vertuouscourfes. Whereas con- trariwife when a mans credit is impeached, and his good name blemifhed,heelofeth al authoritie andrneanesofdo- ing good: either by perfwading to that which. God re. quireth,orindiffwading from finne; feeing no man is wil- ling to receiue his phyfick, ofwhom the fame goeth,that he hath longhad the faine difeafe,and cannot cure.himfelfe. Laftly,as we are topreferue our good name and credit for 4.sea.z 8. the edification of our brethren; fo alfo to preferue them Thattremuft from fcandall, left taking offence at our lines, in regard ofprrferueourho- d ejll rumours theyheare ofvs,theyalfo grow todiflike our dour andgood profeflonand religion. The confideration whereoffhould name to mode feaodall. mooue all Chriflians, to anearneft careofpreferuing their good naine and reputation,not onely byauoiding finne,but afro all appearances ofeuill; becaufe in this cafe fuppofed euils,,